wow! it's been a heck of a couple of months around here in worthyton, by which i mean, all work and no play on the part of msg, so the other girls and i have had to do a lot of entertaining ourselves.
which, i shouldn't have to inform you, we're awesome at. so that part was perfectly fine.
and he still managed to pay some very nice attention to us here and there. so that part was really fine. as in, fiiiiiiine, whoo!
then, all of a sudden, before we knew what hit us, it's christmas already.
i don't know if i've mentioned we don't make a big deal out of christmas in terms of presents or decorating or holiday outfits hereabouts, but it's true. nothing under the tree, no stockings hung by the fireplace. (no fireplace either ... this is texas for heaven's sake! i mean, texas is big and parts of it you could really use a fireplace in. but not our parts, i guarantee you.)
but that doesn't mean christmas isn't a big deal in other ways. not the religious way, because we're not on that particular train.
it's the whole "peace on earth, goodwill toward men" part we're on board for. there's a spirit to it even if you don't believe in where the holiday came from.
love for everybody.
going out of your way an extra bit for strangers.
hugging your loved ones a little tighter here and there.
it's a feeling that's kind of muted this year because of the whole pandemic thing, but it's still there if you look a little harder for it.
so we do ... and so i'm writing this now to share some of that with whoever's out there listening.
maybe the holidays stress you out like they do a lot of people.
maybe you're feeling cut off and isolated because of shut-downs and closures.
or maybe you're peachy keen and having a grand old egg noggy time!
wherever you're at, i just want you to know ...
clarity lenore worthy is thinking about you and wishing you a merry christmas.
be well, find peace, and love those around you. especially yourself!