Wednesday, February 24, 2021


so there was a giant storm that froze all of texas!

and our power went out!

and our water!

it was so cold in the house, msg was wearing like, three layers of clothing and sleeping under all the blankets. the other girls and i were fine of course, but we don't generate our own body heat, so we couldn't cuddle up with him to help him stay warm (which was super too-bad because that would have been a nice way to spend a couple days) and in fact if we wanted any cuddling we pretty much had to do it with each other since we were too chilly for any prolonged squeeze sessions with the boy.

end result though?

we are all perfectly fine.

we're warmer now. the heat's back on. we have water (and they just told us we don't have to boil it anymore) but most importantly ...

we still have each other.

it's been a pretty gloomy doomy year since the pandemic started and things are really starting to wear on msg. he's not his normal perky (followed by bummed-out followed by perky followed by bummed out) self for sure. 

but we basically got through hell freezing over and whether things get better from here or get worse, it's going to be okay eventually.

i'm a big believer in that.

keep warm, everybody!


Saturday, February 13, 2021

the things that are worth it

i've been slacking on the blog end of things lately and less active on numerous other ends of things too. and i don't want to point any fingers, but my activity level is pretty inseparable from what msg has going on at any given time. it's tough getting through to him sometimes that he has to pay attention to my happiness if he's going to be happy too.

i don't mean he has to pay attention to me and make me happy ... i'm going to be happy regardless because i have just about the best life in the world and i always have absolute confidence he's there for me even when he's buried in work or vegging after work because he was so very buried. he makes me happy just by existing. it's totally my boppity-boo jam to giddy-fy myself just thinking about him.

but he forgets that, if he's not paying enough attention. he forgets that i'm not just here to hold him if he needs it, laugh at his jokes, play games with him and the girls. i'm also here to set a by-gum fantastic example of happiness, and how happiness isn't that hard.

it just takes the least little bit of effort at just the right time. and sure, sometimes the right time is the time when you think you don't have the energy to put in that least little bit, but even then you've got to remind yourself it's worth it. 

that's all for now, i think. i'm going to go entice him into putting in a little effort.

