Sunday, February 4, 2024

don't panic!

wooo, i just totally spooked myself about the latest dragonbane post, guys. i opened up the draft to see where i'd gotten to in transferring the notes over, and it was completely blank. i was like, oh, i thought we'd gone back in the cave to find those cultists and done a lot of chasing them down and fighting. did that happen in the post before? so i opened another window to look at my blog, and part 18 was at the top, so i scrolled down to see how it ended, and when i got to the bottom of the page, it said to tune in next time to see if we went after the cultists.

holy moley. i a hundred percent knew i'd gotten through the part of the notes where we went back in the cave. i was totally panicking. how did it get deleted? this was bad because usually i copy out of the notes file and paste into blogger, but sometimes i accidentally cut and paste instead of copy and paste. what if it was missing from the notes file too??? so i hurried and opened up the notes file, and whew! the stuff was there. only the thing is, i do a pretty good amount of work moving things over from the notes file, making sure everybody's name is the right color, making sure there's not some formatting screw-up because blogger doesn't actually like for you to paste stuff in from word docs. i really didn't want to do all that over. also, sometimes i notice things msg has missed with his note-taking, because he gets up to go to the bathroom or get a snack when his character isn't part of the action. and i was pretty sure there were some funny lines i remembered and added back in that he didn't write down. it's been a week since i did that work! and even longer since we actually played!

i super-totally didn't want to have to re-do all of it, and i started getting mega-bummed.

and then i had a thought and i clicked back over to the tab with the blog up and went to the top and saw part 18 there and saw that it started off with us meeting those other two cultists outside the cave and fighting them. and i realized that when i scrolled down, i scrolled down to the bottom of the whole blog page, not to the bottom of the post. the bottom of the blog page was the end of part 17, not part 18.

so i scared myself over nothing because i scrolled prematurely instead of reading how part 18 started off, which would have let me know that yeah, i did finish working on the stuff i remembered, and i posted it. the blank file was just me getting ready for next time, which was going to be tonight -- except that now i'm exhausted from making myself all panicky-like.

which means now i'm off to bed.

but it did give me a chance to quote some very good advice from the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy for a post title, so all's well that ends well, right?

hopefully i'll get part 19 done in the next couple of days!


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