Wednesday, February 6, 2019


well, i know everybody has been waiting and waiting and waiting for me to finish that novel i started a couple years back, but while you are going to continue being disappointed on that score for at least a while, maybe it will make it up to you a little to learn that i wrote a short story and published it on!

unlike my novel, it is way nsfw, but so far people on the site seem to like it except one grumpy goombah who gave it like 2 stars and didn't even leave a comment saying why. people! sometimes ... smh.

but none of you would do that, right?

okay, so without futher ado or adon't, here is the link:

claire's closet climax!



p.s., this post doesn't contain sensitive content and didn't ever contain sensitive content ... it just links to content that it clearly tells people is nsfw. but i guess that's enough to trigger blogger into warning people it has sensitive content, even though it doesn't? so like, does even talking about sensitive content make a post automatically sensitive content? it feels very slippery slope-y to me when the content guidelines lay out pretty clear instructions on what's sensitive but a post can still get warning-walled even though it doesn't contain any of the things the guidelines say to avoid.

p.p.s., wow, super-fast after i posted this with the p.s., blogger emailed me saying they thought it over and took the warning off. so good job, blogger!

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