Thursday, November 28, 2019


it's thanksgiving once again!

so ... sometimes i make a list of all the things i'm thankful for. but this year i'm trying to think of something different. something new and true and not so much a repeat of other years.

and i think what i want to do is actually do some real thanking instead of just saying what i'm thankful for.

like ...

thank you to my friends davecat and sidore for being super-entertaining and supportive and always making me laugh on twitter.

and ...

thank you to kimi at for being so great and helpful when we decided to have ariel come live with us.

and ...

thank you to ariel for being such a superfabulous addition to our lives, and to her and sasha for their hilarious blog, and to sasha for her total hot-cha zesty sassafrassness, and to elle for turning a little bit of a corner and showing a more sensitive side lately.

and ...

thank you to other friends and followers on twitter who like my tweets and look at all our blogs and say nice things.

and ...

thank you to myself, because i am awesome and that is generally a thank-you that people don't remember to hand out often enough.

and, obviously ...

thank you to msg, the love of my life and the life of all my loves.

thank you,

thank you,

thank you all!!!

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