Saturday, July 3, 2021

good gravy!

i can't complain overall about my level of prolificity* in blogging lately ... i think i'm doing a perfectly dandy job, quality over quantity** and whatnot.

but where in the world has poetess claire gotten to? i feel like it's been ages since i wrote a poem.

right, then. let's do this.

i had the first word to a poem.

i mean, i had it



like a breeze through swiss cheese,


the thing about poems though
if you start one
even without having the perfect first word
to get things rolling
you're guaranteed to get to a last word
sooner or later.

even if

there you go! that's the poem!



(*i'm sure it's prolificness or some other perverse construction, but i'm too lazy to look it up today)

(**for some reason that word just begged for me to make a joke about putting the "tity" in "quantity." unfortunately, see the previous note*** for why i couldn't be bothered to construct it more cunningly.)

(***wow. i'm writing an awful lot of footnotes for someone who claims to be being lazy today, aren't i?)

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