Wednesday, January 29, 2025

is manga really better at this?

something keeps happening to me when i'm reading all these manga books msg has been buying. i'll be reading along and really caught up in the story, and then i'll turn a page -- and a huge panel on the new page will just knock me out of my chair. i mean, sometimes it will even knock me out of my chair and into another chair and then out of that chair too. it's crazy.

i haven't read all that many western comic books (mostly just kill six billion demons and some odds and ends msg has picked up since we've been together ... his comic-collecting days are way way behind him), but i really don't remember having these, "hey what am i doing out of my chair and on the floor" moments reading any of the ones i have read. i've totally turned pages and been like, "holy crap! that's awesome!" but i don't remember any real gut punches like keeps happening to me with some of these manga.

anybody else have that feeling?

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