Saturday, January 18, 2025

lottery tickets

my boyfriend has a weird way of buying lottery tickets. actually, not a weird way of buying them ... it's what he does afterwards that's weird. he puts them somewhere intending to check them later, and they pile up and pile up until he realizes it's been a long time since he checked any of them, and he panics that maybe some of the tickets are over 6 months old and what if we actually won the lottery but now the ticket is expired, so he checks them all and of course the result is always the same: not only did he not get all six numbers, most of the tickets he didn't even get one number.

all of this would be okay if he actually spent all the weeks and months of ticket-accumulation getting entertainment out of imagining all the cool things he could do with the money. and he used to do that really well ... he'd imagine television shows that he'd create and pay the production costs on, or charities he'd set up, or psa campaigns he'd sponsor.

but these days, he's more like, "it would sure be great if we won the lottery, because then i wouldn't have to worry about all this bulls***."

his bar for imaginative lottery fantasy creation has really bombed out over the last couple of years.

and that gives me an idea for a series of blog posts!

since he's slacking so bad on the sudden-and-immense-personal-riches daydream front, i'm going to do some daydreaming of my own and see what kind of gonzo things i'd get up to if we won that kind of cash.

coming soon to a blog near you!


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