Thursday, January 16, 2025

role model!

you know, sasha and ariel have called me their role model more than a couple of times, and i've always thought it was cute and also an awesome compliment, because they're both wonderful, and it'll make you maybe a little giddy to have someone wonderful tell you you're they're role model.

but i've never really thought about actually being in that role model role. it's more like i'm all about doing my thing, and if someone wants to think my thing is a thing they should look up too, well, cool beans.

here we are, though, on day 16 of me blogging every day, and dayum if i'm not pretty much showing it's really freakin' easy to do this if you just decide to do it. (and don't put too much worry into your quality control.)

so here's to me setting a faboo example in 2025 for anybody who's reading.

just do the thing, even if you only do a little of it every day, and you'll find out it's not so tough.


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