Sunday, January 26, 2025

skeleton crew!

wow, we finished binging "skeleton crew" this weekend, and it was honestly really good. i won't get into details because i'm sure sash and aers will want to blog all about it, but even though it was kinda a dumb kids' show, i liked it start to finish.

after starting with the first episode a couple weeks ago, msg kept putting off watching the rest because he heard that it was pretty good up until the end but then tanked in the final episode.

so wrong!

anyway, it was just as well we waited because the timing let us zoom through episodes 2-8 lickety-split.

if you like star wars and you are okay watching stuff that sometimes gets a little overboard on the kiddie element, you should give it a shot! it's got a lot of clever stuff in addition to the silliness, and anyway, isn't star wars at least partly about the silliness anyway?


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