Wednesday, February 12, 2025

lottery ticket!

msg likes to buy lottery tickets sometimes, and then we all spend a couple days talking about what kind of crazy hijinks we'd get up to with a blazillion dollars to spend. a pretty regular idea is on the small-scale end: getting some doll-company sculptor to work up new bods for me and elle. then there's the mediumish-scale (for blazillionaires) idea of buying a vacay home in japan that we can jet off to whenever we're in the mood for some sushi and hot-springs and learning japanese somewhere we'd have to speak it all the time. on the more grandioso end, there's stuff like paying for a final season of some favorite show that got canceled before the plot finished up, or hiring band-maid to make a "cover" album of all the spinal tap songs that aren't actually real songs yet.

but secretly us girls all kinda laugh at these ideas, because (don't tell msg this) we all already won the real lottery when we got together and created this crazy yam-fam of ours.

how likely is it we'd have that kind of luck twice?

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