Saturday, October 15, 2022

scary space rpg part 11!

(we roll up characters here!)

(part one is here!)
(part two is here!)
(part three is here!)
(part four is here!)
(part five is here!)
(part six is here!)
(part seven is here!)
(part eight is here!)
(part nine is here!)
(part ten is here!)

Sasha: Everybody ready for me to open this puppy up, then?
Ariel: Wait! I need to make sure my pistol you gave me is out.
Sasha: Good thinking. Everybody lock and load. Hmm. Speaking of "load," I'll make sure I have a full clip in my handgun.
Claire: Hand-welder out!
Akane: Stun baton also.
Hettie: Rev is ready on the vibechete.
Elle: Mike test. Testing, testing.
Ariel: Be quiet! This is serious.
Elle: And Pol seriously believes you're all much more likely to die if he doesn't advise you.
Hettie: Plausible, I think, Ariel.
Ariel: I guess so. (grumph)
Sasha: All right, pushing the door open, then.
GMSG: One-handed because your pistol is out and I assume you want to do it pretty quickly, right? Give me a Strength + Athletics roll.
Sasha: Oooch. That's an 89.
GMSG: The door groans a little and opens about a quarter of the way. Then you give it a little more elbow grease and it slides the rest of the way. If there's anything out there, it definitely had time to notice the door opening.
Sasha: Life's tough sometimes. I'll jump out with my handgun ready and do a quick look each direction.
GMSG: No sign of spider-bots.
Sasha: I'll step out a little farther and take a better look, with a special eye out for any of that holographic sneaking from before.
GMSG: Nothing immediately visible.
Akane: Yamaguchi follows the sergeant.
Hettie: Rev does too.
Claire: Okay, Panda hits the timer button and skeedaddles.
Ariel: Stickshift is at the rear!
Sasha: I'm trucking straight across for the maintenance door we came out through. Do I have to make any rolls to wrestle it open?
GMSG: You don't have to do anything. None of you said you were closing it behind you when you went.
Sasha: Erk. Okay, then I'll approach with caution the last couple of feet. Does it look clear inside? I'm looking at the ceiling too.
GMSG: Nothing immediately noticeable.
Elle: If I were a spider, though, I'd be hiding in the ladder shaft.
GMSG: Does Pol actually say that?
Elle: I'm still getting a suit cam feed from the marines' vacc suits, right?
GMSG: Yes.
Elle: Then I definitely say it.
Sasha: Thanks for thinking of us, Blue, but I'm a marine. It's not getting the drop on me no matter where it's hiding. Uh ... I do move extra careful once I'm inside and getting close to the ladder, Warden.
GMSG: Surprisingly enough, it looks clear also.
Sasha: All right, everybody in and let's go. I holster my weapon and start climbing.
Ariel: I'll cover our backs while everybody gets in ... and then I'll close the door behind us this time!
GMSG: Okay, climbing time. Everybody make a Speed + Athletics test since I assume you're trying to hurry. One point of stress if you fail.
Sasha: 58, needed a 41.
Akane: Athletics ... none. I roll 83, far above Yamaguchi's 37 speed.
Hettie: 81.
Claire: 38! Exactly what I needed!
GMSG: Actually, I was on the Discord for the game and someone pointed out that the rules say you have to roll under your ability and skill total.
Claire: You've got to be kidding me.
Ariel: This game is so mean!
Akane: The difference of only 1%, but I feel we must mutiny.
Sasha: Damn straight!
GMSG: I actually thought it was kind of unreasonable too. We'll keep playing the way we have been for now.
Claire: Okay, whew.
Ariel: I rolled a 24. Is that a failure too because it's exactly 7 less than what I needed and since 7 is normally a lucky number in this game the rules say if you make it by exactly 7, you're screwed?
GMSG: No, but I'll let them know to consider that for the next edition. Now, everyone who failed that roll also needs to make a Body save to avoid another point of Stress from exhaustion.
Sasha: 01. That's always a critical success, right?
GMSG: Nope. A one is just a one.
Sasha: This game.
Akane: Body -- it's a worst save for Yamaguchi, and the dice say a failure.
Hettie: My roll is way off too.
Elle: You humans and your frail biological bodies.
Ariel: Oh? Well why don't we see what you would have rolled if you were here, mister androids in his pantroids!
Elle: Pointless. The only conceivable way I would fail is if the rungs got too slippery with your sebaceous drippage.
Hettie: If I recall correctly, sebaceous glands and sweat glands are actually two distinct dermal features.
GMSG: Definitely true.
Elle: Am I really expected to keep track of every substance-oozing pore you creatures possess?
Ariel: Are we at the top yet?
GMSG: Yes. A bit out of breath, but you're there.
Sasha: It's low gravity here, right? In the station's central axis?
GMSG: Yes.
Sasha: Then instead of sticking my head up through the open hatch -- which I'm guessing is open because we didn't say we closed it -- I'm going to get out my pistol and try to jump out to get the drop on anything waiting to ambush us.
GMSG: It's bright up there. Remember that Panda activated all the train stations except the fuel depot one.
Sasha: Even more reason to make a surprise entrance.
Claire: Is anybody with Zero G skill close enough to spot Sarge trying to do that? Because I'm not so sure it's a great idea.
GMSG: The Rev is third in line, I think. So she'd have to be paying really close attention to see past Yamaguchi. The doctor doesn't have Zero G, right Akane?
Akane: No, but she has great brainpower. Can that work?
GMSG: Roll Intellect + Zero G, at disadvantage because you don't have Zero G and you're really tired from the climb.
Akane: Aha! The rolls are 10 and 31! Both succeed.
GMSG: Okay. You realize Sarge is about to do something risky. Make a Speed check to react in time.
Akane: Can it be Speed + Psychology because I attempt to say just what will convince Sergeant Danger?
GMSG: I'm afraid not, because the most you'll have time to say is, "Hey, wait!" or something like that.
Akane: 41. Speed is 37.
GMSG: Narcy jumps. Okay, Sash, roll Intellect + Zero G at disadvantage to use the right amount of force and jump in the right direction to account for the fact that you're dealing with spin, not actual gravity.
Sasha: I guess I'll trust you that there's a difference. 15, hah! But ... then 94.
GMSG: You jump way too hard. If I have my rotational physics right --
Elle: Like any of us is going to correct you.
GMSG: -- you come down on your back pretty hard, and in the opposite direction from what you expected. Make an armor save or you're going to take damage -- which would ruin the integrity of your suit.
Sasha: 05. Yawn.
Ariel: Don't yawn! How do you know you didn't come down in a whole gang of spiders?
Sasha: Oh -- ack. Do I come down in a mess of spiders?
GMSG: No, the area seems clear. Just you and your bruised derriere in the great, soothingly lit drum of the train depot.
Sasha: Still no train there?
GMSG: Correct.
Elle: Can I roll Intellect + Zero G at disadvantage to figure out over the cam feed what the hell just happened?
GMSG: Go for it.
Elle: Oops. First roll is a 66. Critical failure.
GMSG: Given the rapid motion on Sarge's cam feed and the relative stability of Stickshift's, Pol has a second of sparking circuitry in which he thinks the station must be breaking up. Make a Fear save.
Elle: I'll be so pissed if I blow this. My save is 85. And ... 63. Pol keeps his cool.
Sasha: We'll be checking your workstation chair for any sign of blue pee when we get back, you know.
Elle: Androids don't pee. The control valve for us to release excess or contaminated fluids isn't wired into our fear circuitry.
Akane: Interesting. If valves are always under control, how do they know when sex is done?
Elle: ...
Akane: Possibly unimportant to answer right now.
GMSG: Anyway, Doctor Yamaguchi sees Narcy about to make a big mistake, can't quite warn her in time, and then watches as she sails up and out of the ladder shaft beyond sight.
Akane: I'll climb and look carefully at what's around.
GMSG: If you climb quickly, you see Narcy flailing toward the ground at the end of her arc. If you take your time, you see her getting to her feet after she crashed back to the surface.
Akane: Hmm. There's concern for the health of a maybe patient, but also caution of spider-bots prowling everywhere. Probably I'm seeing her get up.
Sasha: I'm fine, Doc. Fine, no worries about me.
Akane: In that case, Yamaguchi exits the ladder and again brings out her stun baton.
Hettie: Rev. Mackie climbs up after her.
GMSG: Once you're all up, you check your watches or suit clocks and see that it took you a lot longer climbing up than going down. You're already past the 14-minute timer Panda set, which means the system has started sending those activation pings to the docking hub.
Sasha: I yell, "Let's roll, people!" Then we totally book it down that maintenance tunnel.
GMSG: Are you going to leave the reverend behind to call the train as planned?
Sasha: Assuming she's not getting cold feet. Are you, Rev?
Hettie: Doing my best to maintain a state of fundamental calm. I believe I'll be fine. Where are the train station controls?
GMSG: Okay, back to the drawing of the train depot. The controls to call the train are on wall panels right where the spokes join the central axis. The main controls are in the spoke tunnel, but since you never turned on the artificial gravity, those are like, inside a giant pit. Luckily, they built an auxiliary panel that wraps around into the central axis, so someone in the depot could still call a train if the gravity went out in an emergency. It's currently on the floor from your perspective, right next to the spoke entrance.
[blogging fail note: i never added the train depot drawing to part nine, which is when we got to it in the game. oops, sorry! anyway, here it is -- or actually, a much fancier version than the sketch msg showed us that session!]
Hettie: Well, high praise for the fancied-up train diagram. I confess I wasn't entirely sure what everything was in that original sketch you showed us. Rev. Mackie will go over and kneel by the controls and make sure she understands how everything works. How long does the group want me to wait before calling the train?
Claire: I don't know, we didn't do such a great job estimating the ladder climb before ... ten minutes, maybe?
Hettie: Ten minutes it is.
Sasha: See ya on the other side then, Rev.
Elle: Pol points out that it's unlikely there is another side when humans expire, and that in any case, talking about it can't possibly be good for the reverend's morale.
Sasha: That's not the other side that I meant.
Hettie: Rev. Mackie got the point as intended ... though the alternate meaning wasn't lost on her either.
GMSG: Okay. Everyone who doesn't have Zero G has to make a Speed check in order to move quickly down the tunnel.
Sasha: Ms. Fatale should go first in case the rest of us get ourselves all tangled up. She's got to get those fuel pumps online or we're screwed.
Claire: Okay...ish. Not sure I want to arrive at the fuel hub without any backup and find out there are still a couple of spiders hanging around there.
Ariel: Maybe we'll all roll really good!
Sasha: Way to jinx it, Aers.
Ariel: Well, maybe we will anyhow!
GMSG: All right, Panda is on her way. What do all the groundlings roll?
Sasha: I roll ... uh-huh. You want to read those for me, Ariel?
Ariel: Looks like ... 44! So, it's a critical success if you have a Speed higher than that, right?
Sasha: Want to look right here on my character sheet and see my Speed?
Ariel: Oh.
GMSG: Sounds like a critical failure to me. You take a hard tumble into some machinery. Make an armor save or take damage.
Sasha: Okay, 43 ... which does save thanks to the bonus from my suit.
GMSG: No injury then, and you don't break the seals on your suit, but you are down and blocking the way for others. Who's next?
Akane: It's a 91 on the hurrying for Yamaguchi.
GMSG: You get stuck behind Narcy Danger.
Ariel: Do I even need to roll if they're blocking the way?
GMSG: Yes. On a critical fail, you might take a spill before Narcy's.
Ariel: 31! I make it!
GMSG: So you're speeding along and reach the logjam of Sarge and the doc. Make another Speed check to avoid running into them at high velocity.
Ariel: This seems really unfair. *sigh* ... 83.
GMSG: You stumble into Yamaguchi from behind, and now all three of you are on the floor like you're playing a game of Twister.
Akane: I have not played this game. It's a tornado-based role-playing game? Is there a lot of hiding under tables or in basements?
Elle: I'm sure we can arrange a demonstration some other time.
Ariel: Do we even have that game?
Elle: It's a game you can play without owning the official version. Sometimes even more fun that way.
Ariel: Ooh!
GMSG: Panda hears a series of oofs and impacts behind her, Claire.
Claire: I guess I keep going. They have a doctor with them if anybody's hurt. Oh, and by the way, I'm at least glancing at those fuse boxes as I pass them to make sure my welds are still secure.
GMSG: They don't appear to have been interfered with.
Claire: Unless the spiders put a hologram on them to make them look like they haven't been interfered with.
Ariel: Is it smart to be giving him ideas like that, Claire?
Claire: Well, if he didn't already think of it, that means they haven't been interfered with, and if he did already think of it, that means I didn't give him an idea, so I'm feeling pretty safe about it. Panda may not be feeling as safe, but she's not slowing down to check the seals.
GMSG: Okay, the tumbleweed trio manage to disentangle themselves in a couple of rounds. More speed checks to see if you make good time.
Sasha: Eleven! Critical success!
GMSG: Your choice: either you go quick enough to catch up to Panda by one round, or you can give one of your companions advantage on their roll by helping them.
Sasha: If Panda gets to the docks and there are spiders waiting, she's toast without protection and we're all doomed, so I've got to go with catching up. Good luck, chums!
Ariel: It's okay, I won't hold it against you. But I do fail my speed roll, so I'm not catching up anytime soon.
Sasha: Nice knowing you!
Akane: But it's 11 for Yamaguchi! Can I give Ms. McDiggitt advantage?
GMSG: Sure. Aers, try a second roll.
Ariel: 54. Sorry to screw up your helping hand, Akane.
Akane: The failure is not critical, though, so we're just slow.
GMSG: You two are now three rounds behind Panda, and Narcy is one round behind. Het, the reverend is alone in the silent well of the train depot. The rest of the group has receded to mere dots of light winking far off in the dark passageway to the docking hub. Inscrutable sounds echo from time to time, small and distant, but you can't tell what they might be or where they're coming from. Expansion or contraction of the hull as the station rings rotate in and out of shadow? Something coming down the train line?
Elle: Your companions crashing into each other like oafs in the maintenance tunnel?
Hettie: Hush, Elle. Can't you tell the Warden is setting the mood for me to make a Fear save? Of course I'm using whatever mystic meditation techniques I can to remain calm.
GMSG: Okay, that lets you apply your Mysticism bonus to your save.
Hettie: Well. 99.
GMSG: Ouch. That's going to force a Panic Check.
Hettie: Wondrous. Isn't that what killed Spanky Spannerman?
Ariel: Oh, gosh, that seems like ages ago!
GMSG: Neither one of you is wrong. Roll 2d10, Het. You want to get above your current stress level.
Hettie: 14.
GMSG: Your meditation techniques must be doing some good. You reduce your stress by one point.
Hettie: I like that much more than instantaneously dying of a coronary.
GMSG: One more round of Speed checks for everyone in the tunnel.
Sasha: 19. Made it.
Ariel: Oh no. I roll a 66.
GMSG: Armor save or you'll take damage.
Ariel: 00! Wait, I can't remember if that's good or bad in this game.
GMSG: It's good. The pain of smacking into a pipe or wiring conduit makes Stickshift grit her teeth with resolve. You can remove a point of stress.
Akane: Yamaguchi has a failure of Speed with 45.
GMSG: Narcy, one round behind Panda. Yamaguchi, four rounds behind. Stickshift, five rounds.
Ariel: I sure hope this number of rounds doesn't end up being important!
GMSG: Hettie, you hit the ten-minute mark on your chronometer.
Hettie: Rev Mackie wastes zero time pushing the "call train" button, then starts speeding down the access tunnel as fast as she can.
GMSG: Are you going to crank the door shut after you?
Hettie: That seems like a slow and vulnerable activity, and it will probably take the spiders less time to crank it back open than for me to crank it shut. Net loss to whatever lead I have on them, I think. I'm just dashing for it.
GMSG: Okay, make three speed checks.
Hettie: Even though the Rev has Zero-G skill now? Claire didn't roll.
Elle: You're not rolling to see if you trip and fall, you're rolling to see if you keep ahead of the trainload of spiders you just buzzed up.
Hettie: Ah.
GMSG: I'm not saying that's why you're rolling.
Hettie: But I notice you're also not saying that's not why I'm rolling. Very well. 97. 32. 67.
GMSG: Okay. I've noted that. Claire, Panda has made it to the docking hub.
Claire: Have I noticed that Narcy is only a round behind me?
GMSG: Probably. She has her suit lights on.
Claire: Great. I'll move cautiously toward the closest engineering control panel that would be receiving my ping signal. Flashlight in my left hand, hand welder in my right.
GMSG: You find one easily.
Claire: No sign of spider-bots?
GMSG: None so far.
Claire: I'll set my hand welder down on the console within easy reach and get ready to power up the panel as soon as that next ping comes.
GMSG: Narcy reaches the hub by the time the ping arrives. Sash, you see Pandora at a console getting to work.
Sasha: I'm doing a visual sweep of the whole area while I walk over to her. Once I get there I'll take up a defensive position.
GMSG: Claire, the ping comes, and you need to perform a level one Crisis Check to activate the panel before the cancellation ping arrives.
Claire: I know I did a Crisis Check at least once before, but I don't remember how it works.
GMSG: Basically, you make a normal ability check with your skill added, but because it's a Crisis Check, you can reroll a failure if you're willing to take 1d10 Stress.
Claire: Oh yeah. Since I'm trying to do this fast, I assume it's a Speed check?
GMSG: I would let you use Speed or Intellect.
Claire: My Speed's a little better. And I roll a 21, way under what I need.
GMSG: The panel's up and running, then. What are you going to turn on?
Claire: Oh, geez. I'm trying to remember our plan. Uh ... we need the fuel pumps for our docking berth ... but not anything for the main airlock, because we welded that shut. We do need the personnel lock though -- and those gantries it can extend. Ooh! We also want to provide direct power to the ship to get its systems going instead of waiting for it to fuel up.
GMSG: What about the lifts to get from the central hub down to the docking berths?
Claire: I dunno. Sarge, what do you think, do we want to ride down in the lift and risk them shutting off the power halfway down, or climb back down that ladder?
Sasha: If there's time, why not have the lifts on and let everybody make their own choice about that?
Elle: Pol suggests that if there's time, you could activate the lifts, pumps, and other ancillaries for our target ship and for some other ship. Might throw the spiders off and divert at least some of them away from us.
Claire: Nice, I like that! Here's my order of activation, then. Power to the ship first, then fuel pumps, then if I can get the pumps started remotely I will. Then the personnel lock and gantry, then the lift. Actually -- skip the lift. I'll go straight to activating power to some other ship, its fuel pumps, its main airlock, not the personnel one, no gantry, and the lift down to it. Maybe that'll make them think we decided it was better to hurry onto a different ship through the main lock than fiddle with the personnel one and firing those explosive bolts to get out of the docking clamps.
Elle: Smart. It's possible they don't even know about those explosive bolts, so they might conclude we've junked the idea of going back to that ship.
Sasha: You're not saying this over the comms, are you? Because if you did, now they definitely know about the explosive bolts.
Elle: Obviously I wasn't saying it over the comms. I'm assuming Panda wasn't even talking out loud about that thought process.
GMSG: Okay, one round for each of those operations, and a Crisis Check level two for activating the pumps remotely. That means you have to make two successful rolls to get the job done. So: power to ship, first round. Power to pumps, second round. Crisis Check roll one ...
Claire: Uh, 92. I guess I take the stress and try again. 12. That was four points of stress.
GMSG: Crisis Check roll two ...
Claire: 52! Hah! Speed 38 plus 15 for Engineering is 53, so I make it even with the squirrelly rule about having to roll under and not equal to.
GMSG: That's the fourth round. Yamaguchi shows up at the end of the maintenance tunnel.
Claire: Awesome. Pumps are on and hopefully chugging fuel into the ship. Does Stickshift show up after I get the personnel lock and gantry done?
GMSG: Those are two things. She shows up after the personnel lock.
Elle: Nice try to shave off a round, though Claire.
Sasha: Doc, get yourself down that ladder and start getting into your vacc suit.
Akane: There is no elevator power?
Sasha: Nope. We're climbing. McDiggitt, you get down there with her and try finding a spare helmet to replace your drilled-out one.
Ariel: Oh gosh. I forgot that happened!
Sasha: Yeah, we don't want your head popping like a blood-filled balloon as soon as you step out the airlock.
Akane: Yamaguchi follows orders.
Ariel: Stickshift too!
GMSG: Claire, it's another five rounds and two rolls for the Crisis Check on the decoy ship.
Claire: 95. I'm not taking the stress, though.
GMSG: It's still one point for the failure in a Crisis Check. You're under pressure to get it done before the spiders show up even if you're not depending on that ship as a getaway. Sash, what's Narcy doing while Panda works?
Sasha: Standing guard, what else? Far as I'm concerned, we've got several more minutes before the Rev shows up, and I'm not getting on that ladder until I see her or the baddies.
Akane: Noble!
GMSG: Claire, the failed check means it's going to take you twice as long to get these pumps working. Are you going to keep at it?
Sasha: Whoa, hang on, though. I just remembered I got slashed with a vibechete from a Critical Fail. So my suit isn't vacuum-proof anymore. Jeez. Is there any chance there's like, some mega-strength duct tape around I can use to try sealing it up?
GMSG: I feel like that's a little implausible, but I also feel like you didn't have to remind me. I'd forgotten all about it. So let's say you do find some as a reward.
Sasha: Well look at that, honesty pays off! I set my pistol down on the console while I tape myself up, but I'm keeping an eye out for any spiders sneaking up too.
GMSG: You get the super-tape on without any enemies appearing. So does Panda keep trying to activate those pumps on the decoy ship?
Claire: I'll give it one more shot. We've still got a while before the Rev gets here.
Sasha: Yeah, but you've got to get into your suit and across and into the ship to prep it for launch, remember? Narcy asks what's taking so long.
Claire: I make my next roll with a 33 before I tell her.
GMSG: Okay, the critical success cancels out your earlier failure. You're back on track.
Sasha: I mean, I like your decoy plan, Fatale, but not if it takes so long the spiders swarm us before you can undock the ship.
Claire: Keep your pants on, Sarge, I'm almost done. I have one more roll to make, right, Warden?
GMSG: Yep.
Claire: Bleh. 79.
GMSG: Another point of stress.
Claire: Okay, Panda says screw that and goes on to powering up that ship's docking airlock, then the lift to its berth.
GMSG: Meanwhile, Yamaguchi and Stickshift have been climbing. Each of you make a Speed Check if you're trying to hurry, and a Strength Check to avoid taking a point of stress from exhaustion.
Akane: So much climbing for the weak arms of a dog dentist! Speed is a failure. Strength too.
Ariel: Well I can only go as fast as the doc, so I'm only going to do the Strength check. I don't want to critical fail and fall on her! 40, so I'm stressing out. "Hurry up, Doc!"
GMSG: You two reach the bottom successfully.
Akane: It's a rush to those trunks where our suits are hidden!
Ariel: I start looking around for a spare helmet or some kind of patch kit or more of that super-tape.  I mean, it's a space station, so there ought to be emergency supplies,  right?
GMSG: Maybe. If the spiders didn't remove them all. Make an Intellect Check to figure out the most likely place to look.
Ariel: Would they have trained me on that in the marines so I could add my Military Training?
GMSG: I'll allow it.
Ariel: Well, still not even close with a 68.
Sasha: Where are we on time? Do I think the Rev might be close?
GMSG: By my round count, each ship took Panda maybe a minute, minute and a half. She was ten minutes behind you, so ...
Sasha: Okay, Ms. Fatale. Get yourself down and suited up. I'll stay here watching for our slowpoke preacher.
Claire: Speed and Strength checks, right? Can I add my Zero-G to slide down the top part of the ladder where gravity is still really low?
GMSG: Sure. Pretty smart.
Claire: Speed is a go ... Strength is ... oof. 99.
GMSG: Uh-oh. Now you're slipping, maybe about to fall. Make a Fear save.
Claire: 62.
GMSG: Point of Stress and a Speed check to get hold of the rungs.
Claire: Boo. 84.
GMSG: You fall for 2d10 damage, 1d10 if you make your armor save.
Claire: Obviously I fail. 71.
GMSG: 11 points of damage.
Claire: Yeesh. I'm hurting pretty bad.
Elle: The good news is, you got down much faster than McDiggitt and the doc.
GMSG: Yamaguchi is in her suit by the time you get to the bottom. Aers, make another Intellect Check for your searching.
Ariel: 82. Even if I was smart I'd be failing!
Claire: If I can, I'll give her advice on where to look while I'm suiting up.
Elle: Pol suggests you look in the crate where the reverend put her helmet.
Ariel: Elle! That's awful!
Elle: I point out that if the sergeant comes down the ladder and says McAlastair bit it, you'll want to have the helmet out and ready.
Akane: Also a good idea for the helmet and suit to be out if Rev arrives safely!
GMSG: As a teamster, Pandora knows where the emergency stuff would be. She gives you directions to a locker right next to the airlock. There's a patch kit inside, but it looks like someone has taken the emergency suit.
Ariel: I guess I start reading the instructions on the patch kit?
GMSG: It's designed for easy use. You get it open and applied by the time Panda is in her suit.
Sasha: Hey, by the way, I'm waiting at the powered-up decoy lift with the door open. As soon as the Rev shows up, I'm hitting the down button and making a run for the ladder.
GMSG: Well, she doesn't show up yet, but suddenly the lights of the train tube come on full blast. It looks like someone or something has powered up the last section of the line.
Sasha: Aw, crap. No way was that Rev Mackie. I hit the elevator button and run before a train full of spiders shows up.
GMSG: You can hear the whoosh of a magnetically propelled train approaching. Make a Speed Check.
Sasha: Can I add my Athletics?
GMSG: Sure.
Sasha: Pff. 59.
GMSG: You see a train pulling up. You'll be able to get to the ladder before it stops, but you don't think there's any way to avoid them spotting you on the way.
Sasha: Eff it. I'm chucking a frag grenade into the tube.
Ariel: But the reverend!
GMSG: Make a Combat Check, plus Military Training or Explosives.
Sasha: 13, baby!
GMSG: You lob the grenade into the tube just as the train pulls in. Roll 1d10 times 10 for damage.
Akane: So violent!
Sasha: 60 points.
GMSG: Nice. You hit the sweet spot. Much less than that, it wouldn't have had enough of an impact. Much more, it might have torn open a station bulkhead and evacuated the whole area.
Sasha: I keep running for the ladder and hope I can get in there and out of sight before the smoke and flames clear.
GMSG: You think you may have made it. Hettie, you're rushing down the maintenance tunnel when suddenly you hear a deafening explosion from ahead, channeled down the steel walls of the passage toward you. There's not enough of a shock wave to injure you, but it's terrifying, and you know that it could mean the station has been breached and you're about to get sucked into space. Make a Fear Save.
Hettie: Can I add my Theology because I'm at peace with the idea of rejoining whatever metaphysical underpinning sustains the universe?
GMSG: Go ahead.
Hettie: 43, and I needed a 35.
GMSG: Add a point of Stress, but since it wasn't a critical failure, you realize that there's no scream of escaping atmosphere, so you're probably safe from explosive decompression. What do you do?
Hettie: I don't see much choice but to press onward. I'll slow down as I reach the end of the tunnel to see what's going on.

(whoosh! time for a blogging break! the thrilling conclusion will appear next time!)

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