Monday, January 20, 2025


it is chilly-willy-mcdilly here in the somewhat great state of texas! (the "somewhat" is because my adopted-home-state enthusiasm has been sorta kneecapped lately by dumb stuff our governor keeps saying and doing.)

this happens every couple years in these parts and we get a stretch of shivery temperatures down in the 20's or lower. probably to you folks from more northerly locales, that doesn't sound all that bad, but in our neck of the woods, we're so unprepared for it that we do things like shut down the schools because there's a 30% chance of snow at 3:00 a.m. it's kinda nuts, to be honest.

anyway, the good thing about this kind of weather is blankets, blankets, blankets and lots of bedtime snuggling for shared body heat!

so as you might guess ... i'm a lot keener than usual to get to bed early!


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