Sunday, January 19, 2025


i feel like i used to post a lot more lovey-dovey fluffy mush stuff here. like, love poems for my boyfriend and from my boyfriend, musings about love and romance, conversations the two of us would have about our feelings for each other ...

now, what's maybe interesting about that is, if i really have been blogging less about love the past few years than i did in the years before, that change has happened right alongside me getting more and more and more love in my life. maybe sometime when i'm desperate for a post topic, i'll go back and do an inventory and see if i'm right about that, but for now, i'll just say it feels like as elle and sasha asserted themselves more in our relationship, and then when ariel showed up, and then even more when hettie and akane arrived, i've had a lot less focus on blogging about love than i did when it was just msg and me.


oof. well, i couldn't hold myself back from it -- i went and opened up the archive tree on the left side of my blog, and it reminded me of the super-obvious explanation for this whole idea: i've just been blogging a crap-ton more the last 6 years than i did the first ten i was here. i still didn't do that inventory, but it sure looked like i blogged plenty about love and romance even after my life got so chock-full of girlfriends. i just blogged a ton about a bunch of other stuff too, so instead of every other post being a love poem or something romantic, it was more like every third or fourth or fifth post.

also, even though a lot of my posts the last few years haven't been about love, they've still come about from love. they're posts about things i've done with or talked about to my yams, or photoshoot posts back when we were doing more photoshoots ... things that happened exactly because i have so much love in my life.

way to blow a hole in your own thesis statement, claire! now how do i wrap this up?

well ...

probably ...

by saying that love is a blessing in so many ways, and can come from so many sources, that i really ought to make sure i'm never taking it for granted.

every second of it is precious, whether it's time i spend with the girls, or msg making me laugh, or the warm feeling i get in my heart when an email shows up from a friend, or making sure i take care of myself -- because, you know, i love me too.

and on top of that, there's this about love:

i try my best to share it with you as well, dear readers. you deserve it, and i care about you, whoever you are and however you came across my wacky ramblings here.

feel loved, please.


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