Sunday, February 9, 2025

d&d characters!

okay, so it looks like we're going to be playing the new dungeons and dragons, so we all rolled up characters tonight (except akane, because she super-bravely volunteered to be the dm).

we decided to let the dice fall where they might and rolled our stats in order instead of putting the numbers where we wanted. so we ended up with 3 wizards because me, msg, and ariel all rolled unspectacular numbers for everything except intelligence. 

my dude came up with a 6 for wisdom, so i decided he was a failed merchant who got excited about magic and became a managed to swing an apprenticeship. when it came time to pick my spells, i figured this guy wasn't wise enough to pick a sensible set of spells, so instead of balancing things for combat and utility, i just went through the list and decided what he would think were the coolest-sounding spells. one of them was "find familiar," so i'm reading the spell description for that to see what it does in this edition, and one of the familiars you can summon is an octopus.

so now i have a wizard who has an octopus familiar that he keeps in a pocket dimension so it doesn't dry out and die, and a couple of times a day he brings it out into a big jug of water he carries around so he can play with it.

i can tell already this is going to be a blast.

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