Saturday, February 8, 2025

wish me luck!

okay, my boyfriend has been entirely too much of a do-nothing lately ... or at least, too much of a do-none-of-his-creative-things. he's read and shared a ton of manga with us (probably too much), and he's watched and pointed out even more tons of youtube videos (definitely too much), and even though all of that's great and i and the other girls love experiencing it with him and talking about it, he's slacking pretty serious on his writing and on gaming with ...

oh, man.

i just realized that i'm totally not giving him any credit for all the time he put in the past couple of weeks getting ready to dungeon-master for his non-girlfriend gaming group. i ellipsised my way out of that first paragraph up there before i could finish up with "us," because apparently i was only counting it as creative if he was getting ready to run a campaign for me and the rest of the worthy acres crew.

okay, well, with that moment of uncharacteristic self-absorption over, i guess it's still okay for me to try encouraging him to do more writing and also to see if he can do some gaming with us this weekend, considering his outside-the-house group isn't playing this week.

dang, this turned into a kind of embarrassing post!

too late to do anything about it now, though ...


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