Wednesday, December 29, 2021

sometimes i have no sense of proportion ...

... and sometimes, i only wish i had no sense of proportion.

hey, claire! remember when you were super-proud of yourself for getting 3000 words done on your novel back in november?

sure do, claire! that was great! i'm still pretty tickled about it.

well, claire, look at the word count on this word doc of session notes for the rpg you and the gang have been playing: 38,000 words!

oh. well ... we've been playing that for more than a month, right? so they're not really comparable ...

a month and a half, claire!

okay then, i guess there's only one thing to do ...

knuckle down and try to be that productive on your book, claire?

no, doofus! be 10 times as proud of myself for posting almost 40,000 words of a gaming story!

that's the obvious solution, right everybody? please back me up on this.

scary space rpg part eight!

(we roll up characters here!)
(part one is here!)
(part two is here!)
(part three is here!)
(part four is here!)
(part five is here!)
(part six is here!)
(part seven is here!)

GMSG: Through the faceplate of the body's helmet, Narcy Danger sees a rotting corpse-head, the eyes shrunken and molded over, the skin a leathery patchwork of desiccation and decay.
Sasha: Does it look like their helmet and skull have been drilled?
GMSG: Hard to see from this angle. You'd have to walk around to the far side of the body to see the top of the helmet. But ... as you're peering and trying to see, a flicker of movement inside the helmet catches your eye.
Sasha: Hand-welder ready!
GMSG: You realize the face itself is beginning to pulsate, the flesh writhing and the swaths of rotten skin and mold swelling, expanding.
Sasha: I think I'll take a step back.
GMSG: Just as you do, the entire skull explodes within the helmet, coating the transparent dome with black and green ichor.
Ariel: Ew!
GMSG: Make a Body save to avoid getting weak-kneed from nausea.
Sasha: Nope, 62.
GMSG: The sight makes your stomach flip-flop, and you have to brace yourself with a hand on a knee or the wall. Then you see the gelatinous mess slowly run down the interior of the helmet, slowly clearing the faceplate until you can see --
Elle: Can I make a Speed check real quick to say something before she barfs in her suit?
GMSG: I'll let you say something without a Speed check, but it needs to be a single word.
Elle: Pol dispassionately says, "Hologram."
GMSG: Sash, that's what Narcy hears just as the viscous goo clears away enough to see that the face inside the helmet is now yours. Make a Sanity Save ... I'll let you have advantage from Pol's reminder.
Sasha: 75 and 83. Thanks anyway, Elle.
GMSG: Add three points of Stress.
Elle: If her vitals show a bump in her heart rate, Pol will say, "Am I the only one who remembers where we are?"
Sasha: I'm watching to make sure none of that goo creeps out of the suit to get me, but I say, "Shut up, Blue. I'm pretty sure there's five of us here who remember where your chicken-ass self decided to stay."
Ariel: I think Stickshift has to peek in and look up the ladder to see if she can tell what's happening. And then since she doesn't see Narcy, she says, "Sarge! Where are you!"
Elle: The sergeant is currently not listening to the mission leader's orders, Ms. McDiggitt.
Akane: How much suit is left for removal?
GMSG: You're almost done stripping down to your jumpsuits or whatever's under the vacc suits. Sasha, you see the goo turn into a mass of writhing alien worms that crawl up over the dead-eyed face of your doppelganger.
Sasha: I'll try nudging that pistol with my toe to see if it seems to be real or a projection. Over the comms I'll say I'm checking out the door I found and got a little spooked. No big deal.
GMSG: You feel your boot connect with something solid. The gun is definitely real.
Akane: Is our downstairs marine conveying these communications?
Ariel: I'm just going to step back out of the ladder tube and give the gang a thumbs-up and tell Narcy to be careful.
Sasha: Careful? Do you not remember my middle name?
Ariel: It's not "Careful," is it?
Sasha: I'm gonna scoop the gun up and look at the suit for anyplace there might be some spare clips stashed.
GMSG: As you do, you see the worms eat away at the face in the helmet until there's only a bare skull.
Sasha: Well, I don't really see that, because I'm just keeping an eye on the helmet seams for any gunk flowing out.
GMSG: No gunk. You do find two extra magazines.
Sasha: I'll stuff 'em in a pocket, pistol too. Then I guess I'll glance at what the gore-face is doing before I head back to the ladder.
GMSG: It seems to have reset to how it looked when you first approached.
Sasha: Okay, I'm out. I'll give a quick report on what I found, then get back on the ladder and pull the door all the way closed before heading farther up.
Ariel: I'll tell everybody what she said.
Hettie: Don't you always?
Ariel: What? Oh, haha, "That's what she said."
Akane: Do we think the explosion of face-rot was just hologrammatical? Yamaguchi could check for actual pathology.
Claire: Sounds like a hologram to me. But I want to check it out. I might be able to figure something out from it if I can find the projector unit. I also want see if there might be a power node in that maintenance tunnel. If you guys want to stash my suit in the crates, I'll climb up and have a look while Narcy moves on to the next level.
Hettie: Can do.
Elle: Are we letting our only remaining techie go alone in there without a comm device?
Claire: I promise I'll scream loud enough to be heard if something comes after me, Pol.
GMSG: Okay, here's the scoop, then. Narcy keeps climbing, and finds doors about every 20 meters, all of them on the same side and all of them closed. If you open any, half of them have similar maintenance tunnels behind them, but without any bodies. The others look like storage areas or in one case, a machine shop. In the tunnel, Panda examines the vacc suit and body. The view through the faceplate follows the same sequence as when Narcy looked, but with Panda's face showing up instead. You didn't bring a flashlight, so I assume you're using your IR goggles. The hologram sequence doesn't seem to put out a lot of signal at those wavelengths, so the imagery is faint and ghostly to you, clearly not real. The top of the helmet has a drill-hole in it. There's no sign of an external projection unit.
Claire: Ugh. I guess I'll take the helmet off and see if there's something inside.
GMSG: The helmet seam is stuck with dried organic matter. Do you force it?
Claire: I guess so.
GMSG: The head inside is real, and pulling the helmet off lets it fall down against the deck with a sickening thud, connected only loosely to the body by the leathery, fragmentary flesh of what used to be its neck. There's a finger-sized device inside the helmet also, affixed right at one edge of the faceplate. There's something lens-like and crystalline at one end. You think it's probably some kind of holo-projection unit.
Claire: Any sign of a transmitter or receiver on it?
GMSG: You'd have to open up the casing to see.
Claire: If Narcy hasn't given us the all-clear to follow her up, I'll try using my lockpicks to get it open. Those are the only tools I have.
GMSG: Actually, let's assume you brought at least a small bag of tools with you from The Inner Peace. You had them available, and you planned this pretty thoroughly.
Claire: Nice, thanks!
GMSG: Make a Mechanical Repair + Speed check to get the gizmo open without breaking anything.
Claire: 75. Boo.
GMSG: You didn't Critically Fail so it's not broken, but it takes you so long that Narcy has reached the top of the ladder by the time you're done.
Sasha: What's up there?
GMSG: An iris valve hatch in the ceiling. It's unpowered, so you'll have to open up and crank the manual pump lever to get it open.
Sasha: Sure. I'll radio down that I'm doing that.
Claire: Panda is going to assume that when Narcy gives the all-clear, the others will head up and let her know as they pass the door into this maintenance tunnel. Meanwhile, I have a look at the innards of this doohickey.
GMSG: It looks extremely simple. There's a combination holo-projector and camera at the end with the crystal lens, then a central processor, and a battery. No sign of transmitters or receivers.
Claire: So ... whoever or whatever left it there isn't spying with it -- the only purpose is just to scare the crap out of anybody that comes across it.
GMSG: Speculative, but that seems reasonable.
Claire: Okay, I'll pocket it and see if I can figure out a use for it later.
GMSG: Sasha, you get the hatch open and find yourself looking up and out at a great, conical space. One side of it is the base of the cone. It's an entirely circular wall with a ring of elevator doors along its perimeter. The access shaft lets out right next to it. The floor is the side of the cone, sloping inward from the ring of elevators to a central opening that looks like the entrance to a transport tube. Here, I'll make another sketch.

GMSG: This is super-simplified -- there are ramps from the elevator doors up the interior of the cone, and the transport tube looks like it has smaller access tunnels running along its sides more on a scale for pedestrians. But that's basically how it's laid out.
Elle: You're saying that's not a flashlight with a couple of D batteries in the handle?
GMSG: Hey, do you want me to put the game on hold for an hour and draw it really well?
Elle: Point taken.
GMSG: Just so nobody's confused, though, I'll do a really rough diagram of where this fits in the station.
Elle: No, really, I think we're fine.
Elle: . . .
GMSG: All right, here we go.

Elle: Hm. Okay, well, that's actually kind of cool and useful.
GMSG: So Sash, the rotational force that's been serving you as gravity has steadily decreased while you climbed the ladder, and is much, much lower here. Along the very center of the rotational axis, there won't be any sensation of gravity at all. Your light doesn't illuminate this entire space ... you don't actually see the transport tube yet, I guess.
Ariel: You should have given a spoiler warning then!
GMSG: Sorry. What's Narcy going to do, Sash?
Sasha: For sure definitely wait a second or two and see if I hear anything else moving up here.
GMSG: Quiet as a tomb.
Sasha: All right, guess I'll go far enough up the slope to see the transport tube just so Ariel isn't worried about it being a spoiler anymore. If nothing pops out, I'll radio the others to start up.
Ariel: I'll tell everybody what Sarge said.
GMSG: Super. If nobody has anything else they want to do after stashing their suits, it's not long until Panda hears the sound of people on the ladder.
Claire: Whenever I get done looking at the holomajiggy, I'll take my place in the climbing order or follow them up if they're already all past.
GMSG: Everyone gets up without incident. If you were climbing that far in full gravity, I might have you make Body Saves to avoid some stress from the exertion, but in these conditions it's not particularly tiring at all. What are you going to do once you're all out of the access shaft?
Sasha: Well, once Stickshift is there to keep an eye out, I'm checking the magazine in this handgun to see how many rounds are in it and swapping it out for a full one if it's not at capacity.
GMSG: Looks like there are only three rounds left in the gun. Good idea to check.
Sasha: Okay, I'm set once I get a full clip in. What next, Fatale? We heading into that transport tube?
Claire: I want to have a look around and see if there's an inactive power node we could fire up and not have to go all the way to that active one down at the ring.
GMSG: Make an Intellect + Engineering roll.
Claire: What do you know ... 25! I actually succeed at something.
GMSG: You're able to determine pretty quickly that the various power junctures here aren't equipped with the kind of full-scale control panels to remotely access the nodes deeper in the station.
Claire: Dang. All right, I guess we should head for the closest of those pedestrian tunnels.
GMSG: Walking up the interior of the cone is tricky. You weigh maybe 20% of your normal weight at most, so your strides tend to lift you up off the floor -- but the station keeps rotating while you're in the air, so there's kind of a Coriolis effect that feels like it's pulling you off-course in the direction opposite rotation. People with Zero-G skill are okay, but everyone else needs to make a Speed check to stay on track and not stumble.
Hettie: Ah, the Rev gets a critical success -- 11.
Ariel: 07 for Stickshift!
Akane: Yamaguchi fails with 69.
Sasha: 03.
GMSG: I'll say Rev. Mackie's critical success lets her grab Yamaguchi and steady her. You make it to the tunnel hatch without any spills or mishaps.
Elle: Pol tells them to be careful. "You've had an uncharacteristic degree of success so far. Be sure it doesn't go to your easily lulled organic heads."
Akane: "Thank you, Android-san! This reminder is good for our avoidance of false comfort in a pitch-black station full of brain-drilling spider robots."
Ariel: Is Yamaguchi being sarcastic about that, Akane? I can't really tell.
Akane: Possibly her intention aims for exactly this tone of ambiguous.
Elle: The effect is lost on Pol.
Sasha: Can I get the tunnel door open one-handed with my pistol in the other?
GMSG: No. There's a control panel that would open it with a button if the station were under power, but without electricity, you'll have to turn a manual crank.
Sasha: Well, Fatale, you want to get that open while I cover you?
Claire: Sure.
GMSG: The door opens without too much difficulty. Beyond is a long, dark tube two meters in diameter, extending off into the distance far beyond the reach of your lights.
Claire: After you, Sarge.
Sasha: Peachy. I'll head in ... I'm assuming we keep the same marching order?
GMSG: Unless anybody objects.
Hettie: Rev. Mackie notes that this configuration puts the two marines in their bulky spacesuits at each end -- possibly making it harder for anyone else to see what's ahead or what might be coming up from behind us.
Sasha: But also making it harder for anything to get past us and at you.
Hettie: Just an observation.
Ariel: Should I close the door behind us so we don't have to worry about getting attacked from back there?
GMSG: It's a maintenance tunnel, so there are regular access panels that a spiderbot might get through from the tube-train passageway. But it's up to you if closing the door makes you feel safer.
Elle: Pol chimes in again about not getting a false sense of security.
Claire: I don't think there's much chance of any of us feeling secure as long as we've got you to remind us, Pol.
Sasha: I say leave the door open in case we need to come back this way fast.
Ariel: Roger dodger!
GMSG: It's nerve-wracking and awkward making your way to the station's upper ring -- gravity in the tunnel is only about a tenth of a G. People without Zero-G skill who try to rush will end up bumping their heads a lot.
Akane: Doctor Yamaguchi has pain pills if there are excess head contusions.
Claire: Panda is keeping an eye out on those access panels in case any of them look like they might be for a power junction.
GMSG: Some of them look like fuse boxes, but none appear to be the kind of control sub-station you'd need to activate the power for the docking hub.
Claire: I'll glance into the fuse boxes just in case.
GMSG: There are three total along the way, and you discover that in each of them, a breaker appears to have been manually disengaged.
Sasha: Those effing spiders!
Claire: Can I re-engage them?
GMSG: Yes. The breakers haven't been removed, just clicked to the "Off" position.
Claire: I'll reset them then -- and if it looks possible, I'll weld the panels shut so nothing can come along and re-disconnect them behind us.
Sasha: Guess you'll need your hand-welder back. Here.
GMSG: While you're stopped at the second fuse box, Stickshift McDiggitt thinks she hears something from the dark tunnel behind the group.
Ariel: I get my laser cutter ready!
GMSG: It's low and indistinct at first, barely audible over the sizzle of Panda's hand-welder. But it's getting louder, or closer, and soon it sounds like a person, moaning.
Ariel: Hey, do you guys hear that?
Claire: I'll stop welding for a second.
GMSG: The moaning gets closer. You can make out words now. "Stickshift ... help ... help me ..."
Elle: Not this shit again.
Claire: Yeah, Panda doesn't want to listen to that. I'll try to finish up my weld real quick.
Sasha: I have my gun ready. And I'm not ignoring the tunnel ahead of us either, in case something tries sneaking up from that direction while this thing is distracting us.
GMSG: It's definitely Spanky Spannerman's voice again. "The spiders ... they know things, Stickshift. They can pull ... out ... your soul ..."
Sasha: Hey, Rev -- souls are your bag, right? That sound possible?
Hettie: What is a soul? A piece of ether? The atman that is also brahman? The quantum shadows of our electrochemical neural processes? Or an immortal essence gifted to us by God? All things are possible where there is true infinity. 
Ariel: Um, not to complain or anything, Rev. Mackie, but that's kinda not helping.
Hettie: My point is that mystery is the essence of spirituality, and we cannot learn anything until we are content with some knowledge remaining ever-elusive. In game terms, the reverend is trying to put forward an example of calm in the face of the unknown, a sense that answers are less important than openness, so that we can focus instead of fearing.
Akane: I feel brainier with wisdom already!
GMSG: Het, you can roll Intellect + Mysticism to give everyone Advantage on any Fear or Sanity saves in the next few minutes.
Hettie: Success! 50 is less than the 55 I needed.
Ariel: So ... can I see anything back there in the dark?
GMSG: Maybe a flicker of something? It's hard to tell, with the irregularly flaring light of the welder behind you reflecting off the walls of the tunnel.
Ariel: Well, if I get a bead on anything, I'm laser-cutting it!
GMSG: Panda is getting close to done ... there's nothing but darkness ahead of and behind the group ...
Elle: Here it comes.
Sasha: Shh!
GMSG: CLANG! From the direction you're headed, a loud, metallic crash rings out. Everyone make a Fear Save to avoid being surprised. 
Elle: Told you.
Hettie: Remember the Advantage from Rev's philosophizing. 59 for me, Warden.
Ariel: 90, ugh, but then 12!
Akane: Yamaguchi fails both rolls.
Claire: Panda too.
Sasha: 72 and 17, so Narcy's cool as a space-cucumber.
GMSG: Speed checks for Narcy and Stickshift.
Ariel: 74.
Sasha: 76.
GMSG: Since those are both failures, the enemies get to act first.
Ariel: Enemies? More than one?
GMSG: Yes. From each direction you hear the scrabbling rush of steel hitting steel, and then a spiderbot flies at Narcy from ahead and Stickshift from behind. Narcy, a ball of crackling plasma flame is swelling on the back of yours -- Stickshift, yours has the head of Spanky Spannerman wailing loudly from the back of its carapace. Oof. Both of them miss, though, and Stickshift's rolls a critical failure. Aers, you can take an extra action to fire at it as it's incoming, then your 2 regular actions after that.
Ariel: Okay, uh, Combat is 49, and plus Military Training? That's 59, and I roll ... bleh, 85. If it's in reach I'll smack it twice with the butt of my laser cutter.
GMSG: Sure, it leapt straight toward you, and timed its jump wrong with that critical failure, so it kind of softballed itself at you.
Ariel: Nice. Smack! Nope, 86. Crack! Boo! 77, Critical Failure!
GMSG: Okay, on an odd number, you lose your grip on the laser cutter; even, you damage your weapon somehow. I roll a 10 -- you hear a sound like something breaking in the body of the cutter. Sasha, your turn.
Sasha: Two shots with my handgun. Blam! Blam! 06 and 17! 3d10 each time, 17 and 11.
GMSG: It fails both armor saves, taking full damage. New round, everyone roll Speed.
Ariel: 37 -- noo, I missed by 1!
Hettie: 81.
Akane: 35 is success for Yamaguchi.
Elle: 91, so Pol's advice will have to wait until after the spiders take their turn.
Claire: Panda makes it with 04.
Sasha: Narcy gets a 22, Critical Success.
GMSG: Three actions for Narcy, and she goes first.
Sasha: I'm shooting it until it goes down. 00, Critical Hit!
GMSG: For a handgun, that's Knockdown. It's got too many legs to really be knocked off its feet, but in this low gravity, it's spinning out of control a moment and has to take an action to correct. Damage?
Sasha: 19. Second shot is a ... 44! Critical Hit again!
Ariel: Seriously? I can't even get a plain old hit once.
Sasha: 22 points of damage.
GMSG: I keep failing the armor saves. that second crit kills it.
Sasha: Switch to the one on Stickshift!
GMSG: The whole group's in the way ... if you critically fail, someone's going to get hit.
Sasha: No guts, no glory.
Claire: You're awfully quick to say that when it's someone else's guts you might be shooting.
Sasha: Stick to your welding, babe. I roll a 55, which because I'm so awesome is ...
Ariel: Another Critical Hit? Now you're just trying to embarrass me!
Sasha: Not trying -- succeeding. But don't think I'm picking on Stickshift. Narcy's out to show all you losers up. Damage is 17.
GMSG: This one's spinning too. Panda, you're next.
Claire: Since I've got Zero-G skill, can I try to jump over everybody in the low gravity?
GMSG: Roll Speed + Zero-G if you want to try, but you'll have to get all the way past Stickshift, who's in a bulky vacc suit. Disadvantage if you want to make it that far. Normal roll if you settle for landing with Stickshift between you and the critter.
Claire: I'll do that. At least I'll be close enough to hand-welder it if it gets on her head. Oops. It's a 66 anyway.
GMSG: Critical Failure? You come down on top of somebody and mess up one of their actions. Rolling randomly ... it's Stickshift. Next up is Yamaguchi.
Akane: Combat is very poor for Yamaguchi. She will wait with stun baton ready. Otherwise, no actions.
GMSG: The creature corrects its spin and tries to latch onto Stickshift's helmet ... but misses. Your turn, Ariel.
Ariel: I guess I spend that ruined action getting out from under Panda's lardy bohonkus and pull out my vibechete.
GMSG: Hettie?
Hettie: My equipment list has a flaregun. I believe I'll draw it and attempt to light this thing up.
Elle: I see what you did there.
Hettie: Actually, wait. No ... looking at the weapon chart, it does less damage than my vibechete, which I already have in hand. So I'll just slash at it with that. It's right next to me, right, grappling with Ms. McDiggitt?
GMSG: Correct.
Hettie: Well. That's an 88.
GMSG: On odd, the weapon comes loose from your hand and flies off down the tunnel. Even, you have to roll to see if you hit Stickshift. I roll a 4, so make another Combat check.
Hettie: 70.
GMSG: You miss her, but it's a near thing. Your second action is lost, too.
Hettie: Apparently we just all need to leave the fighting to Narcy Danger.
Sasha: Works for me.
GMSG: Elle, does Pol really want to chime in and say something? If so, it's his turn.
Elle: When would Pol not want to say something? In this case, he'll advise everyone to duck and let the professional have a clear shot. But since only the professionals have their helmets on, I guess they're the only ones who can hear me anyway.
GMSG: That's accurate. New round ... Speed checks, everyone.
Claire: 92.
Sasha: Whoosh. 90. I guess that's it for my run of great dicing.
Hettie: 02.
Ariel: 19!
Akane: Yamaguchi fails this one.
Elle: Good advice coming in at initiative 74.
GMSG: Looks like Reverend Mackie is first.
Hettie: I'm taking that near-miss on Ms. McDiggitt as a sign from higher powers. I'll do my best to shift to one side and let the sergeant have a better line of sight on our opponent.
GMSG: Ariel, you're up and you have your vibechete out.
Ariel: Vrrrrr ... that's the sound it makes ... 08! My damage is only 7 though.
GMSG: 7 is better than nothing. The spider attacks Stickshift again. That's a hit on 02. Armor save?
Ariel: 42 makes it, barely!
GMSG: Akane?
Akane: Already small, but Yamaguchi tries to be smaller and less in the pathway of bullets.
GMSG: Elle?
Elle: I'll suggest to Sergeant Danger that she should relay my advice about ducking to the others.
GMSG: All right then, it's back to Sasha's turn.
Sasha: Better things to do right now, Blue! Boom! 85. Boom? 92. Dang. That's what happens when you talk in my ear while I'm shooting. Stupid androids.
Claire: That just leaves me, right? I'm hand-weldering it. Or not. I roll two swooshes.
GMSG: Time for Speed checks then.
Sasha: 57.
Hettie: 14.
Ariel: *sigh* 71.
Akane: Do I still roll? Is there a way to cower speedily? Well, it's a 48 anyhow.
Claire: 46 for me.
Elle: 24 for Radio Inner Peace.
GMSG: Hettie?
Hettie: After that last round, I'm feeling less sanguine about our marines' ability to deal with the hellish automaton, but I don't care to return to the line of fire, so I'll get that flare gun out after all. Ah, and my roll to hit is a 21, doing ... 4 incandescent points of damage.
GMSG: Elle, the flash of light momentarily swamps the bodycam's exposure setting. As the view returns to normal, Pol can take his turn.
Elle: I'll explain to our other marine that the Sergeant is being uncooperative, and suggest that she relay my advice for the civilians to take cover.
Ariel: I'm busy too, Mr. Circuits!
GMSG: Busy getting attacked, Aers. The robot leaps at you again ... 98. Second action same as the first ... wow, really the same. 97. Panda's turn.
Claire: Okay, this is going to be my weldingest round yet ... 95 ... and 85. Guess not.
GMSG: Yamaguchi?
Akane: Just being very tiny.
GMSG: Narcy?
Sasha: Bang-aroonie! Garh, 90. Then click, click, click because my clip is empty, so I change it for my second action.
GMSG: And that just leaves Stickshift McDiggitt.
Ariel: I roll a 17 on my sonic slicer! VRRRR! Uh, 4 points of damage. Second action, 74, miss.
GMSG: End of the round. Everybody knows what that means, right?
Sasha: 22 on my Speed check! 3 actions!
Hettie: 66. The opposite. That means only 1 action, right?
GMSG: Yeah.
Elle: Sucks to be you ... oh. Spoke too soon. I roll a 99.
Sasha: Can that mean we just skip Pol?
Elle: Hey, you're lucky I haven't been talking two actions' worth of dialogue every turn.
Ariel: 47 for me.
Akane: Very, very small on 64.
Claire: Panda's on 84.
Sasha: Wow, all of you suck. Good thing I have a full mag. Three shots this turn! Blam! 81. Blam! 72. Blam! Better, 34. But only 8 points of damage.
Elle: What was that about sucking?
GMSG: Robot's turn. It hits Stickshift with a 05.
Ariel: Oh no! Uh, Armor Save is ... 22!
GMSG: Second attack is 02. I'll let you have advantage from that Critical Success.
Ariel: 88, yikes! But then 92, so I still blew it, but I didn't Critically Blow It. 
GMSG: It drills through your helmet and into your head for 10 points of damage.
Ariel: Ow!
GMSG: From the monstrosity's back, Spanky's head twists to look you in the eyes and say, "Now we'll be together forever, Stickshift." Roll a Fear Save.
Ariel: 22! I stick my tongue out at its stupid hologram head.
GMSG: It keeps drilling, though. Your turn.
Ariel: Vibechete at the ready! 52, hit! 06, hit! 9 points of damage and 14 points of damage!
GMSG: Your blade pierces deep into its guts and gears, and it judders for a second, but stays on you. 
Akane: My turn is only more shrinkage.
GMSG: Hettie, how about you?
Hettie: I have one more flare ... and while a 31 isn't even that bad a roll, it's still a miss for me.
GMSG: Panda's turn.
Ariel: Come on, Panda! It's about to drill my brains!
Claire: I'll give it another go with my hand-welder ... woohoo! 22!
GMSG: No critical effect listed, but I'll give you advantage on your damage roll.
Claire: I guess that's generous, but my dice give you the middle finger by rolling 2 and 2 again. So crap damage and a waste of advantage.
GMSG: The robot is sputtering and sparking, but not down. Speed checks.
Sasha: 14.
Hettie: 04.
Ariel: 00!
Akane: Very prompt cowering on 10.
Claire: 22.
Elle: I'm not even rolling, and I hope everyone made note of the fact that Pol restrained himself from commenting last round.
Sasha: Damn right, I did! "December 29, 2021, Elle's character mouthed off one less time than normal."
GMSG: So everyone succeeded, and Stickshift goes first with 3 actions.
Ariel: Vibe! 18! Vibe! 67. Vibe! 09! 8 damage and 14 damage!
GMSG: Sweet. I feel really guilty now though, because it made its Armor Save both times.
Ariel: What.
GMSG: Hettie?
Hettie: Out of ammo, staying out of the way.
GMSG: Akane's turn.
Akane: Twins with Harriet.
GMSG: Sasha.
Sasha: Two shots ... or maybe I'll only need one. Let's see. 62 is a hit for ... 18 points
GMSG: Fails its Armor Save, so all you need is that first shot.
Sasha: One and done.
GMSG: And Narcy gets one experience point for each of the two enemies she destroyed.
Sasha: Yes!
Claire: Great. Can I finish my welding now?
GMSG: Sure.

(more of this session next time!)

Friday, December 17, 2021

scary space rpg part seven!

(we roll up characters here!)
(part one is here!)
(part two is here!)
(part three is here!)
(part four is here!)
(part five is here!)
(part six is here!)

Claire: Well, I guess it sounds like I'm opening the door, then. First the outer door of this ship we're on, then the outer door of the station on the other side.
Sasha: She doesn't have to get in my line of fire through the gap while she's doing that, does she?
GMSG: No. To the extent that you have a field of fire through the three- or four-inch gap, Panda is out of the way. But if you hit the door or the bulkhead next to it instead of firing through the gap, everybody is fair game for a ricochet.
Sasha: Hey, perils of fighting on a spaceship, amiright?
Hettie: Hopefully we won't be fighting right away ...
Ariel: Or maybe at all!
Akane: Do we think our plan is so good?
Elle: Personally? No. 
GMSG: Maybe, maybe not, but at least for this first part, everything goes smoothly. Panda gets the doors open, the cables and fuel lines out of the way, and then closes everything back up tight.
Hettie: With all of us on the station side, right?
Ariel: I'm taking that laser cutter to use as a gun until something gets right up on us.
Claire: Be careful with that thing! We don't want to open up the station's hull with a stray shot.
Ariel: It can do that?
GMSG: It can, but the odds are low.
Sasha: Never tell us the odds.
Ariel: He didn't! But I kind of want to know how low and maybe forget about using this laser cutter if it's like, a not really all that low kind of low.
Claire: Just be careful, okay? Now, does Ariel have to shoot at anything while Panda is getting the station's airlock door welded shut?
GMSG: The sizzling growl of your hand-welder fills the air around the lock, making it hard to tell if there are other noises coming from the wide, dark space inside the docking hub. But every once in a while, you swear you hear that same skittering sound the spiders made. It's so far off, though, and so sporadic, you're not sure. Unless Stickshift wants to just fire blindly at one of the sounds she hears, there don't seem to be any other targets.
Ariel: I'm not doing that.
GMSG: Within a few minutes, the doors are sealed.
Claire: Okay, gals, nothing's getting on our salvage ship anytime soon. At least, not through here.
GMSG: So you find yourselves in this large, dark, echoing space. Your helmet lights barely reach the side walls of this docking bay, maybe ten meters off to the right and left. The ceiling's about five meters high. Not too far from the cargo airlock you see a smaller personnel lock, as expected. Straight ahead, there's only darkness, broken by massive support beams here and there.
Ariel: Can somebody remind me how big a meter is? I'm having trouble figuring out the sizes of things. Or maybe just say it in feet, Mr. Warden?
Akane: Ehmm ... my great excuses, Ariel, but ... it's science fiction and also I'm from Japan. If we trade meters for feet, there's only a different person in confusion.
Elle: I agree that sticking with the metric system feels more futuristic. 
Sasha: Aers, you can always pretend he's saying "yards." A meter's just a yard that didn't put the brakes on fast enough.
Ariel: Okay, but you'll have to help me out again if we get to grams and kilograms. Although in this game, probably anything that starts off with "kill" fits better anyhow.
GMSG: How does the group want to proceed, then? The exit from this docking bay is somewhere in the darkness ahead.
Claire: I'm sure we all want to stick together. Panda needs to be near the front so she can watch out for the power nodes we're trying to find. But not right in front.
Sasha: Narcy's on point with her submachine gun. Then our gearhead, then the Doc behind her.
Ariel: Maybe I should be in back in case something tries to sneak up behind us?
Akane: Wise!
Hettie: So: Narcy, Panda, Yamaguchi, me, and Stickshift.
Sasha: Yep. Let's move out!
GMSG: The bay is much longer than it is wide. It's obviously meant to have capacity enough to load and unload ships much larger than the one you're trying to salvage. As you move through the darkness, your footsteps echo hollowly about the empty chamber, and the shadows gradually swallow up the airlocks behind you.
Sasha: Stay alert, people! Warden, I'm not taking any chances with those support beams. If we get near one, I give it some space and then jump forward to see what's behind it.
GMSG: Remember, you're not at full gravity, so jumping is a little trickier than you're used to.
Sasha: I'm assuming I got some practice with different gravities during my military training, but let me know if I need to make a roll.
GMSG: No, the group proceeds through the docking bay with Narcy up front checking each support column you pass. Almost meter by meter, the tension thickens. Each time Narcy jumps ahead, her suit light causes the shadows to swing and lurch, and the thump of her boots hitting the floor cascades through the empty bay around you. You know the room can't be all that big, but when you finally see the far wall, it comes as a long overdue relief.
Claire: There we go. What does Panda see along that wall? Anything that looks like a power node?
Elle: Psh. Like it would be that easy. 
GMSG: There's one very large door -- like a cargo elevator -- then a couple other, smaller doors. There's also some equipment: a forklift, a couple of heavy-duty power-lifter suits, a stack of cargo pallets, some crates.
Sasha: So, plenty of stuff for sneaky spiders to hide behind.
GMSG: Yep.
Claire: I don't even know if those things would set it off, but I'll have a peek at my bioscanner, just in case.
GMSG: Nothing within range.
Claire: The doors are all closed I assume? We're either going to have to pry open an elevator shaft and climb it or find some stairs.
GMSG: skitterskitter
Sasha: What was that?
GMSG: Movement, from up ahead. Everyone make a Fear Save.
Sasha: 22! Critical success!
Claire: 68. D'oh.
Akane: Yamaguchi fails as well.
Hettie: Rev. Mackie too.
Ariel: What's wrong with us?! I roll a 46.
GMSG: One of the robot spiders scurries up from behind the stack of pallets. Everyone but Narcy is too startled to act this turn, but the critical success lets you take an extra action, Sash. In a normal turn, you'd get two, so that means three in this case. What do you do?
Akane: Do the rules give a list of options for acting?
Sasha: Doesn't matter. My first action is, I blast it. If it stays up, I keep blasting.
GMSG: The list is on page 9, Akane. Sash, roll Combat + Firearms.
Sasha: I need a 69 or less, and I roll 44! Bam!
GMSG: Normally, it has to make an armor save to avoid the hit. Since that's a critical success, I'll say it has disadvantage ... 97 and 53, definitely fails. You hit it dead center with your burst. Bullets rattle off its metal carapace and sparks fly. You notice the zombie head appears untouched by the attack.
Elle: Hologram. 
Ariel: Hush! You're not there.
Sasha: 4d10 for damage, right? That's 25 points. I shoot again! 27! 16 more points of damage.
GMSG: It fails its armor save again. You see some legs snap off and a hole open up in its thorax.
Sasha: One more time! 25 to hit ... 23 damage if it fails.
GMSG: It does not. The zombie eyes lock onto Narcy Danger and it leaps! Roll Speed + Athletics to dodge it.
Sasha: 28! Missed me, sucker!
GMSG: New turn. Everyone make a Speed check. Success means you go before the critter, failure means after.
Sasha: 61. Bzzt.
Hettie: 81.
Ariel: Come on, dice ... 36 ... exactly what I needed!
Akane: Yamaguchi lags at 92.
Claire: 26 for Panda.
GMSG: Panda first, then Stickshift McDiggitt.
Claire: If it landed within reach, I'm gonna hand-welder it.
GMSG: Roll Combat + Close Quarters Combat.
Claire: I don't have that, so ... 63 misses.
GMSG: Ariel?
Ariel: Laser cutter ! BRRZOW! Ugh. 74.
GMSG: Spider's turn. It leaps for Sasha again.
Sasha: What the hell?
Elle: Is there some reason a zombie robot spider wouldn't carry a grudge for you shooting it? 
Sasha: I try dodging again ... urk, 85.
GMSG: It latches onto your helmet and begins to drill. The grinding, high-pitched whine is deafening. You're next Sash.
Sasha: I'm blasting it again. 19!
Hettie: Does she have to roll at disadvantage like poor Spanky when one got on him?
GMSG: It's a lot easier to bring a submachine gun to bear than a laser cutter, and Narcy has Close Quarters Combat. I think a straight roll is fair.
Sasha: 23 points of damage, then!
GMSG: It blows its armor save and shudders from the hail of close-range bullets, but it's still drilling. Hettie, it's the reverend's turn.
Hettie: Dear Lord, guide your humble servant's hand ... 34 with my vibechete is a miss.
GMSG: Yamaguchi?
Akane: My Combat is poor, only 29. I roll ... 92.
GMSG: New round. Speed checks again.
Sasha: Somebody better kill this thing before it gets to my brain! My check is a fail at 39.
Ariel: 07 for Stickshift!
Akane: 16 for dog dentist Yamaguchi.
Claire: Panda fails with a 59.
Hettie: 79 for the Rev.
GMSG: Stickshift, you're up. But your laser cutter takes a round to recharge before firing.
Ariel: What?! And after I rolled that great 07? Can I club it with the cutter butt?
GMSG: Sure. Combat + Close Quarters Combat.
Ariel: Hey, that's better than shooting it! 25, and I needed anything under 64.
GMSG: Sorry, but it makes its Armor Save.
Ariel: Foozers!
Akane: I'm next, yes? 84 with my stun baton.
GMSG: The spider drills away at Narcy's helmet. Make an Armor Save, Sash. A vacc suit gives you +7.
Sasha: That would be 01.
Elle: Nice. 
GMSG: Narcy's turn, Sash.
Sasha: Submachine gun! 15! 26 points of damage if it doesn't save!
GMSG: It doesn't. That hit's enough to take it out.
Sasha: Woohoo!
GMSG: And as a Marine, you get 1 xp for killing an enemy.
Sasha: Score!
GMSG: But ... by my count, that was 5 shots, which empties your clip.
Sasha: How many clips do I have?
GMSG: How many does your sheet say you have?
Sasha: Uh ... it doesn't say I have any.
GMSG: Sounds like you're out, then.
Sasha: No prob. I've still got 6 of these frag grenades.
Hettie: I don't think those would be very effective at getting a zombie spiderbot off someone's helmet.
Sasha: Oh, they'd be REAL effective.
Claire: Speaking of spiderbots, Panda will examine the wreckage of this one.
GMSG: It's been torn all the hell up by bullets, but you immediately notice that there's no zombie head on that central spike. Instead, it looks like the top of the spike is some kind of projecting apparatus.
Elle: Told you. 
Claire: Okay, well, I'll double-check that it's for sure good and dead and then leave it.
Sasha: While she's checking, I'm looking around for any more hidey spiders.
GMSG: Neither of you finds anything to worry about, but Narcy comes across a door with a sign that says, "Access Shaft." There's a ladder inside leading up, toward the central axis of the station.
Ariel: I'm not sure I'll be able to shoot my laser cutter climbing a ladder.
Akane: Next experience boost, look if there is Ladder skill.
Sasha: So are you saying there aren't any stairs?
GMSG: There's the access shaft, the cargo elevator, what looks like a normal-sized elevator, and a door that's just labeled 012. The access shaft one is the only door with a handle. The others all require power or they'll have to be pried open somehow.
Ariel: Laser cutter?
Claire: It has a limited number of shots, so maybe let's conserve them.
Sasha: Here's the deal, then. I'll climb up to the next level. Everybody leave the ladder clear. If something pops out at me, I'll just pull my feet off the rungs and slide back down. Shouldn't be too dangerous if the gravity is really low. If it's clear I'll signal everybody else up.
Elle: Pol likes that plan better than delaying things for you to cut or pry through a door that might not lead anywhere anyway. 
Hettie: Doesn't Pol have some more programming tasks he should be working on?
Elle: Androids are very good at multitasking. 
Hettie: Mm-hm.
Sasha: I'm going to start climbing.
Claire: Wait ... are you taking something to fight with just in case? I don't think frag grenades are very good ladder-combat weapons.
Sasha: You got anything to spare?
Claire: I've got a hand-welder and a crowbar. The hand-welder is better against armor, but the crowbar gets a bonus if you have Mechanical Repair.
Sasha: Gimme the hand-welder and I'll get going. Warden, what's the scoop on this ladder? How high up does it go?
GMSG: Farther than your suit light reaches. Assuming it's for maintenance or emergency access, you'd guess it's likely to go all the way to the axis.
Hettie: Say, before we go climbing sky-high ladders, do we want to think about taking off these cumbersome spacesuits? At this point, I believe it's safe to assume the station wasn't depopulated by a plague.
Sasha: I mean, if you want any spiderbot that jumps you to be drilling straight into your head ...
Hettie: Well, Rev. Mackie noticed that diving out of the way seemed to work for you at least once, and she's got a much better Speed than Strength. I think I might want the mobility more than the protection, especially since if I blow my armor save the vacc suit won't be space-worthy, right?
GMSG: Yeah, if something gets through your suit to damage you, it won't keep the air in too well after that. And in combat, you have to make a strength check to move your full distance wearing a vacc suit; otherwise you only move half.
Ariel: Wow, these things are clunky!
Sasha: Well, my Strength is bitchin' and the only light I've got is my suit light, so I'm keeping mine on.
GMSG: How about everybody else?
Akane: Yamaguchi is terrible of Strength. Her fighting is also poor. I think she is more scared of a spider catching her in the suit.
Ariel: Stickshift just follows Narcy's lead. But I do have a flashlight if Yamaguchi wants to borrow it!
Akane: "Thank you!"
Claire: I'm with the doc. And I have some IR goggles, so if all the lights go out, I'm okay.
Hettie: Should we leave our suits here by the door, or nearer the airlock?
Sasha: You're welcome to walk all the way back to the airlock if you wanna. I'll stay here and guard the door.
Akane: Yamaguchi says, "Look, here are crates. So convenient to put suits in, right? This will hide them from spiders."
Claire: A-plus idea, Doc.
Sasha: Super. I'll see what's up the first floor or two of this ladder while you guys ditch your only protection from death by spider-drill. Stickshift, be ready to blast with your laser cutter if I holler and drop back down. That means spiderbots on the way.
Ariel: Aye-aye, Sergeant Danger! (I don't know if you were really a sergeant. I just thought a military-like answer was better than just, "Okey doke.")
GMSG: All right. While the civvies get down to their skivvies, you make your way up the access ladder, Sash. The shaft is large enough for a vacc suit, but not much more than that, so it feels almost claustrophobic as pull yourself up rung-by-rung. You can tilt your head back in your helmet to see above yourself, but it's hard to angle the suit's light upward. The dark, metal throat of the tube vanishes quickly into the shadows overhead.
Sasha: I've got the hand-welder on a belt loop or something where I can get at it fast if I need to.
GMSG: There's no real noise to speak of other than the thump ... thump ... thump of your boots on the ladder rungs and the dwindling voices of your companions talking as they get out of their vacc suits. About fifteen meters up, you reach a point where you can make out another door in the shaft wall above you, maybe five meters farther. It opens back in the same direction as the door you entered the shaft from -- so it leads to the docking hub, not toward the main body of the station.
Sasha: Still climbing.
GMSG: A few more rungs, and you can see that the door is slightly ajar. There's a gap of a few centimeters with only darkness beyond.
Sasha: I'ma radio down to Stickshift and ask her to ask Fatale if I should check it out or just keep going up toward the station axis.
Ariel: Okay, I'll --
Sasha: Then I'm gonna get impatient and just nudge the door open  a little farther. Can I see anything?
GMSG: It looks like a service tunnel ... a way for the station crew to access the machinery or wiring or fuel lines between levels for maintenance.
Ariel: I guess I can't see her doing that, so I still ask Claire's character what she thinks.
GMSG: Sasha, as your light reaches farther down the tunnel, you spot something lying across the floor maybe six or seven meters away.
Sasha: I grab my hand-welder and get my thumb on the power button, or whatever you do to get it ready. What's this thing on the floor look like?
GMSG: You think it looks like a body in a vacc suit.
Sasha: Peachy.
Claire: I tell Stickshift to tell Narcy I think we should just head all the way up to the central axis. That's where all the passageways to the rest of the station would be, right?
GMSG: Correct.
Ariel: So then I'll say, "Sergeant Danger, that's a negative on checking out side doors. The engineer says let's go all the way up."
Sasha: I'll step off the ladder into the service tunnel.
Elle: Since Pol still has this video feed on his monitor aboard The Inner Peace, he gives a weary synthetic sigh and a shake of his head, but doesn't say anything. 
GMSG: The walls are lined with all kinds of piping and conduits, full of shadowy spaces where one of those spiders might hide. Are you going to approach the body?
Sasha: Sure.
GMSG: It's sprawled on its back, head pointed away from you. You notice there's a handgun lying on the deck near one of its gloved hands. The angle and the glare from your flashlight make it impossible to see what's behind the helmet's faceplate from where you are.
Sasha: You had me at "You notice there's a handgun ..." so Narcy's definitely gonna go up to search and/or loot the body.
GMSG: When you get there and stand looking down on the suit from above ....

(cliffhanger! bum-bum-baaah! next time ... the body! click here!)

Sunday, December 5, 2021

scary space rpg part six!

(we roll up characters here!)
(part one is here!)
(part two is here!)
(part three is here!)
(part four is here!)
(part five is here!)

let's jump right into session two of our Mothership scenario!

GMSG: Okay, everybody leveled up after the first session, right?
Hettie: Well. Not quite everyone.
GMSG: Sorry, everyone whose character lived, I mean.
Ariel: I miss Spanky Spannerman already. But I did make my character smarter with my level 1 bonus!
Akane: Is this from a hard lesson of losing her friend?
Ariel: Ooh! It must be! I just did it because the book said I could increase two numbers and I didn't want Stickshift McDiggitt to stay so dumb.
Akane: Yamaguchi also increased in Intellect. For skill I took "Pathology."
Sasha: Narcy Danger is all fighting, all the time. Strength up -- Boom! Combat up -- Boom! And some Close Quarters Combat to pound on things if they get up in my face.
Ariel: I copied you on that Close Quarters skill.
Claire: Panda learned how to jury rig things better. And I got a couple of my stats up a little more above average.
Elle: Pol d'Eurothein sees no need to announce his improvements to everyone. 
GMSG: I think this is just player-to-player information, Elle.
Elle: I prefer to stay in character. That way if anyone mentions an awareness of my skill or stat advancement, Pol can express surprise at their unusual clarity of observation for a human.
GMSG: Gotcha. So the first decision for the group tonight is, you're down one person with technical skills. Do you want to try to make up for that by seeing if you can lure Captain Kellerman out of his quarters and try to get him recovered from his stimpak addiction withdrawal? Or do you want to revive one or both of the mystery passengers from cryosleep and hope they have some useful skills?
Claire: Do we have any information on the passengers besides their names and that they got married to the ship owner recently?
GMSG: Not really. From their names, you'd assume Charmaigne Besson is female and Kleive Meiters-Besson is male, but they're unusual names, so who knows?
Akane: Yamaguchi forbids reliance on drug-fiend Kellerman. Also we don't know, is he part of insurance scam? Untrustable.
Elle: Pol agrees that Kellerman is erratic and perhaps dangerously unhinged, but if the two passengers are both human, there's no guarantee they're any better. I say take our chances on the one we know has both Piloting and Engineering experience.
Ariel: I just miss Spanky.
Claire: Are we making this choice because whoever we pick is going to be Hettie's new character?
GMSG: Yes.
Sasha: So we should just let her pick, then.
Hettie: MSG had me make up two characters for the passengers, and I'd be happy to play either one. And he said (if you don't mind my revealing it, dear) the captain is a higher level character, so if I end up playing him, he's got some advantages even if there's baggage along with that. So leaving the decision to the characters works for me.
Sasha: I was kinda trying to dodge a long discussion.
Akane: Can Yamaguchi's medscanner tell us about the cryosleepers? Perhaps one is big and strong, another runty or feeble?
GMSG: Make a Pathology + Intellect roll.
Akane: Oh, it's a 63 percent chance for improved-level Yamaguchi! I roll ... 80. So disappointing.
GMSG: The medscanner isn't designed to scan through metal containers, and the cryosleep field interferes as well, so you can't determine anything.
Ariel: Well, we're all girls here except Elle, right? Maybe we should just wake up the girl passenger.
Elle: Pol suggests that to be an illogical criterion.
Sasha: Narcy's fine with it.
Akane: Any but the Kellerman.
Claire: Panda is more into the ladies anyway, I think. I mean, she probably swings both ways, but gals have an edge with her.
GMSG: Okay, then, it sounds like you thaw out Charmaigne Besson. Hettie, here are some character notes about how you ended up in this situation. You can share whatever you like with the group once they fill Charmaigne in.
Hettie: Hmm.
Ariel: What's it say?
Hettie: Just a moment more. It's not long, but I'm digesting.
Claire: While you're thinking about it, what's your character look like?
Hettie: Spectacled. Small of frame. Indeterminate ethnicity, probably a mix of several genetic backgrounds. Light cocoa skin, a pair of highly arched pigtail braids. Her eyes are large and bright.
Ariel: She sounds pretty!
Hettie: At least moderately so. All right, as for these character notes ... if you tell her what's happened so far, she is of course shocked. But it's only because of the circumstances, not because she's devastated that she married someone who tried to kill her for insurance money. As far as she's concerned, her name is Charmaigne McAlastair, and her only connection to Besson is that he offered her free passage on The Inner Peace in exchange for her letting him list her on the manifest as someone else, for purposes he didn't disclose. It seemed suspicious to her, but she was desperate to get off of Walter's Sinkhole and had no funds for a ticket, so she accepted. She realizes now that the paperwork she signed must have included some fine print legally espousing her to Besson.
Elle: Pol asks what skills she has.
Hettie: She's a bit taken aback by the abruptness as she has been trying to process what's happened to her. But she indicates that she's a scientist and theologist by trade, endeavoring to mate the spiritual and mechanical natures of the universe through knowledge. Her specialties are Geology and Chemistry.
Elle: Okay, back in the fridge with her.
Sasha: You made this character up, Hettie? Not to be rude, but is the other one, like, any better?
Hettie: You would have to wake him up to find out.
Ariel: I like her. Can she fight, Hettie? Maybe with a specialty in killing robot spiders with zombie heads?
Hettie: She says she has a vibechete in her gear, but she's not really trained in using it as a weapon.
Elle: Fridge. Wake the other one up.
Claire: Panda asks if Ms. McAlastair knows who the other passenger is.
Hettie: Actually, it's Reverend McAlastair. Most people call me "Rev. Mackie" or just "Rev." But no, I have no idea.
Elle: Fridge. Fridge!
Sasha: Look, Pol. The way I see it, Spanky and Panda didn't come back empty-handed as a result of not having enough technical skills. They just didn't go over there loaded for bear. Now that we know what's up, we've got two marines here who can handle the spooky spiders. I say we gear up, go hit the spiders hard while Panda finishes cutting those power cables, then close up the doors and detach the ship so we can scavenge our hyperdrive parts and get out of here.
GMSG: Claire, it occurs to Panda that even with the hyperdrive repaired, you'll still need fuel to be able to leave the system.
Claire: And whatever's up on that station apparently has sucked all the fuel and power from all the ships that are docked.
GMSG: Maybe so. Definitely the one ship you've checked.
Claire: You said there are standard fuel-line connections for refueling ships at a station like this. Could we access those?
GMSG: Yes. But it would require powering up the docking hub's fuel pumps.
Ariel: So we have to go inside?
GMSG: It looks that way.
Elle: What if we just hooked into the station's computer systems? There's got to be some kind of connection port or space-wifi we could use for that. Then Pol could just hack the fuel pumps into powering on.
GMSG: Remember, your scans showed almost all of the station's systems being offline. If there's no power to the connections or wifi, you won't be able to access the computer systems that way.
Elle: Ugh.
Claire: Can our sensors scan the station well enough for me to figure out where there's an active power junction that could be routed to the fuel pumps? Obviously, I'd want the closest one to the docks, not like, the central power core or something deep in the station's guts.
GMSG: Make an Intellect + Engineering roll.
Claire: 82, dang it.
GMSG: You know there has to be a series of power distribution nodes between the fusion core and the extremities of the station -- the rings, the docks, the communications and solar array. The sensors pretty easily let you tell where the active nodes are, but you're having trouble pinpointing the inactive ones. The nearest active one is all the way down where the top ring joins the central spindle.
Claire: Well, I guess we'll head for that one and keep an eye out on the way for any that are closer. The question is, who all is going?
Elle: Does anyone need to go besides you and our two marines?
Sasha: Narcy points to her "Fix Me First" patch and says, "If we're expecting a fight, I want my medic real close."
Claire: If we get access to some power, it might be good to have Pol along to hack the computers for information or to control some of the other systems.
Elle: Oh, no it wouldn't. If you get access to the power, just power up the wifi and I'll do the hacking from here. Someone needs to stay here and make sure Captain Drug-hound doesn't do anything crazy while we're gone.
Hettie: Rev. Mackie is willing to go in case you need an extra hand with something. She finds the mystery of the station intriguing both scientifically and metaphysically. How many souls were on board when the disaster struck? That kind of thing.
GMSG: So Pol's holding down the fort and everyone else is going across?
Claire: Looks like.
GMSG: Okay. It's a tense crossing with so many people lacking Zero-G training. Everyone but Panda will need to make a Fear save. If you don't make it, you gain a point of Stress.
Hettie: I fail with a 46.
Akane: Yamaguchi also.
Sasha: Narcy is cool with a 29.
Ariel: 34 for Stickshift. She isn't digging this part.
Elle: Pol alerts everyone that three of the team just got elevated heart rates on the lifesigns monitor. He tells them to be calm, since the only person who's died so far did so on board a ship, not outside one.
Sasha: You're not helping, Blue.
GMSG: Once across, the airlock you entered before isn't large enough for everyone. Two people will have to stay outside while the first three cycle through.
Sasha: Doc, you're with me and McDiggitt.
Akane: It's okay. I am stressed from outside. Inside may be better.
Claire: Panda will handle manually cycling the airlock.
Ariel: I have my vibechete out!
Sasha: Narcy's submachine gun is locked and loaded.
GMSG: When the inner door cycles open, the three of you find yourselves in that eerie quiet of the lifeless ship.
Sasha: I do a quick look each direction down the corridor, ready to shoot anything I see.
GMSG: For the moment, it's clear.
Akane: My equipment list has "Stun Baton," I see, so I take it out.
Sasha: We'll move out into the hall, me in front of the doc, Stickshift behind her.
GMSG: Panda and Charmaigne cycle through without any difficulties. Sash, at the forward end of the hall, Narcy sees the open door into the EVA prep room of the ship's main airlock.
Sasha: I'll move forward cautiously. What do I see once I get to the door?
GMSG: The airlock is on the far side of the prep room. The inner door is open, and the outer door appears mostly closed but jammed on some cables and tubing. The tubing appears to have been severed. Lying face-down in the center of the airlock, with its limbs sprawled unnaturally, is Spanky's motionless corpse. Nearby is the laser cutter he dropped just before he died.
Ariel: Stickshift hurries over and turns him face up to make sure he's really dead.
GMSG: Totally dead, head rolling loosely in the dome of his helmet, eyes open and coldly, sightlessly still. A trickle of blood flows from the top of his head once you've flipped him over, and you see that there's a round hole bored through the crown of the helmet.
Ariel: Why did it have to do that when he was already dead? Stickshift is really choked up.
Sasha: Maybe these things aren't very smart. That would be good news.
GMSG: Aers, roll a Fear save. You can roll it with advantage, but if you roll it straight and succeed, I'll let you remove a point of Stress instead of adding it, as the sadness saps some of the tension from you.
Ariel: I'll roll normally ... oh well, 39.
Sasha: I'm covering the gap with my submachine gun. I'll also suggest that Panda ought to get cutting on the cables.
Claire: I'll do that.
GMSG: You get them severed without any problem. The outer door is still clamped tight on them, though, which both prevents it from closing and keeps you from moving that end out of the way.
Sasha: So what now? We've gotta open our outer door and the station's outer door to get this stuff out of the way, but then what?
Hettie: If we all leave to find the power node, some of those spider things might get on board while we're gone.
Claire: Yeah. But I could use my hand welder to seal the station's airlock doors, and then when we came back, we'd know if something managed to get them back open.
Akane: This plan increases challenge for a quick escape, though, right?
Claire: Sure. If we're running back here with an army of zombie-head spiders chasing us, cutting the door welds to get out won't be ideal. But the station has to have secondary airlocks too. MSG, I think Panda would have been scanning for that when we were preparing to come back over here. I mean, our characters had longer to plan this than we've taken here, right?
GMSG: I think that's reasonable. It would also be pretty standard from an engineering viewpoint to know that with a rotating station design like this, they would probably alternate large cargo airlocks for ships with smaller personal airlocks for repair personnel along the ring of the docking hub.
Hettie: Not sure I know what that means, but I'll assume it makes sense.
GMSG: Here, I'll draw a sketch. Here's the ring of the docking hub ... and here's how the ship is positioned. The whole thing rotates this way, which causes a force that feels like an outward pull of gravity. The airlocks fit together ... like ... this, basically. These hexagonal shapes are the locks for the ships. The little rectangles are the personnel ones. The hub can extend catwalks from the personnel locks to the ships ... when there's power.
(this is a much nicer version of what he drew!)

Hettie: Ah. That's making a lot more sense. Thank you.
Claire: So the game plan can be, get all the cables and fuel lines clear of the airlocks, get inside, crank all the doors closed while welding the station doors shut along the way, go find the power node, turn on the pumps, hurry back here, and leave through the personnel lock. While we're doing that, Pol can program the autopilot to track this ship we're salvaging and follow it once we blow the explosive bolts and it drifts free.
Hettie: Are we going to pump the fuel into this ship first? Or come back and connect The Inner Peace to refuel it?
Claire: Well ... it's possible if we refuel this ship, we wouldn't have to repair anything. We might be able to just power it up and get the hell out of Dodge.
Elle: Potentially with a brain-drilling zombie-head spider hiding out somewhere in the new ship, just waiting until everyone is in cryosleep to come out and go on a killing/drilling spree.
Claire: But if we leave and come back, we'll be hooking The Inner Peace to the station where a spider might get on it anyway, and the spiders on the station might figure out how to shut the pumps back down while we're gone.
Sasha: So damned if we do, damned if we don't.
Claire: I kind of like topping this ship off. If it turns out to be fixable, great, but if not, I can jury-rig something to transfer the fuel to The Inner Peace. But if we're going to try that, I need to make sure whoever ran these fuel lines through the airlock didn't do something with the fuel tanks that screws the whole idea up.
Sasha: Great. McAlastair, why don't you go with Fatale in case she needs help. McDiggitt, the doc, and I can stay here and guard the entrance.
Akane: Is Ms. Danger now in charge?
Sasha: Fatale's calling the mission plan, but this entrance ain't gonna guard itself. I'm the only one with a gun, so I feel like that gives me a claim to take the combat lead.
Claire: Works for me. Ready to follow these tubes into the ship, Rev?
Hettie: In other circumstances I might take a minute to pray, but I think we can spare that for efficiency's sake.
Claire: Pray along the way. It can't hurt.
Elle: Pol notes over the suit comms that you might not hear a spider sneaking up if you're listening to a bunch of religious mumbo-jumbo.
Hettie: Some of us know how to be quiet, Mr. d'Eurothein.
Sasha: Ooh, burn!
Elle: Hmph.
GMSG: Claire, it's easy enough for you and Charmaigne to follow the fuel lines. They lead down some corridors you haven't been to yet, and down an open access tube to Engineering with a ladder you can use to climb down. Once there, it takes a few minutes for you to decide that if you just shut off some valves and disconnect the lines, the ship's tanks should be good to refill.
Ariel: Whew! That was easy enough! So now we head for the power thingajobby?
GMSG: Hold on, I didn't say nothing was happening at the airlock while Panda and Charmaigne are gone.
Sasha: Way to jinx us, Aers.
Ariel: It was just a question!
GMSG: Not long after Panda and Rev head into the bowels of the ship, the characters in the airlock hear something beyond the door.
Akane: Skitters of spiders?
GMSG: No, it doesn't sound like that. It's indistinct, distant at first, and when you try listening for it, there's nothing but quiet for a moment.
Ariel: I listen for more than a moment.
Elle: I think he was getting to that, dear.
Ariel: Hush! I'm roleplaying.
GMSG: You hear the sound again a few seconds later. It's almost like ... a voice.
Akane: Zombie-head kind of voice?
Sasha: What would that even sound like?
GMSG: It actually sounds like Spanky Spannerman's voice.
Ariel: What?!
GMSG: The hair on the back of your neck stands up as the voice grows louder. "Why did you leave me? I needed your help ..." It's definitely Spanky's voice.
Sasha: What. The. Hell.
GMSG: Somewhere out in the darkness beyond the gap, you can see something faint and glowing, growing nearer as the voice continues, "Why? I thought we were friends ... why didn't you come help me, Stickshift?" You think ... even though it's still a ways off, you think the figure looks like Spanky too. Everybody in the airlock needs to roll a Sanity save.
Ariel: I don't think I'm even going to roll. I think I'm just panicking right away.
Elle: I mean, it's obviously a hologram from the station being a VR resort. You know that, don't you? This is Elle speaking, not Pol.
Ariel: Even if I do, Stickshift only went up to a 28 intelligence from 23! She's still not the brightest, plus she's got 5 Stress! But fine, I roll, and it's a 79. Happy?
GMSG: Two points of Stress. Akane?
Akane: It's 18 for Yamaguchi! Science will explain this somehow!
Sasha: Narcy gets a ... 13. Whew.
GMSG: "You could have helped me," says the apparition, close enough now that you can make out Spanky's face. "You could have helped me, but now I'm trapped here, forever." And just like that, the vision blinks out and there's only darkness and silence.
Ariel: OMG. The spiders totally sucked Spanky's brain out of his skull and put it in a jar somewhere and made him into a hologram ghost.
Elle: That's legitimately horrifying. Did Stickshift say that out loud?
Ariel: Well she doesn't have a brainstorm like that very often, so she's not going to just keep it to herself!
GMSG: Now Pol can roll a Sanity save too. You're not personally present to hear the hologram or ghost or whatever it was, and probably only saw it indistinctly through the camera feed, so I'll let you roll with advantage.
Elle: Peachy. I'm sure you remember what Android Sanity saves are like. I roll 36 and ... 88. Great, that's a Critical Failure.
Ariel: No, you use the better roll if you have advantage, don't you?
Elle: Oh right.
GMSG: Only one point of Stress for Pol, watching over the comm feed.
Sasha: What exactly do we know about this VR resort we were all going to, anyway?
GMSG: That's a good question ... I wondered if anyone would get around to asking it. You know that there were supposed to be two kinds of VR for resort guests to experience here: a real-world environment where you can walk around and interact with holograms, and a true VR world where you go into a pod like the ones in a cryo-chamber, and the images and sensations of a simulated reality are induced by electromagnetic fields interacting with the synapses of your brain.
Elle: And they didn't foresee this going horribly, horribly wrong?
GMSG: Apparently not.
Ariel: Or they're even bigger insurance scammers than Mr. Besson!
Akane: MSG, Yamaguchi brought the medscanner with her. Can she detect a brain inside dead Spanky's skull?
GMSG: The tissue is there, but it's hard to get a good reading on it with his helmet in place.
Akane: Can I remove this helmet? It's a question for Ms. McDiggitt, not the gamemaster.
Elle: Psst ... it's "Warden" in this game.
Akane: Apologies. Warden.
Ariel: Stickshift just nods.
GMSG: Roll Intellect + Pathology, Akane.
Akane: *sigh* These dice. My roll is 96.
GMSG: You can tell that some kind of physical intrusion was made into the brain, but you can't see exactly where it extends to or what purpose it had, if any.
Akane: I try to reassure Ms. McDiggitt. It's mostly an intact brain. Perhaps the hologram only simulated from information in our comm transmissions.
Ariel: Stickshift doesn't really get all your doctor-talk. But she knows she didn't say anything about being Spanky's friend over the comms. So why would it pick her to talk to instead of like, Panda, who was there when Spanky died and really might have been able to do something? It's like it actually knew who was who. 
Claire: This is a pretty distracting-sounding conversation. If it's going on at the same time Panda is working in Engineering, she'd ask Rev. Mackie to keep an ear on what's happening and she'd turn her own volume off so she can focus.
Hettie: Thumbs up from the reverend.
Ariel: Maybe they didn't steal her brain, but they stole something out of her brain. So she might really be trapped! We have to do something!
Hettie: I'll gently suggest that if some part of Mr. Spannerman survived, we could choose to take that as a good thing -- his continued presence in the universe.
Ariel: No. I have a vantablack marble from an archaeology dig, and it's thousands of years old but it's still perfectly smooth and black, and it spent those thousands of years in the dark, with nothing but darkness, and it would have been there forever if I hadn't found it and brought it out into the light again. How long will this station last floating here in space? And what if Spanky isn't the only one who's trapped here forever? Maybe that's the disaster that happened to all the people here, these spiders drilled their brains to make ghosts out of them and maybe there's thousands of them suffering in hologram hell.
Elle: You got all of that just by going from 23 Intellect to 28 when you leveled up?
Ariel: Stickshift used to be a genius, remember. Maybe there's flashes of the old her that come back sometimes. Maybe going from 23 to 28 was her brain healing, I don't know.
Elle: Well, it doesn't matter to Pol. He says, "I'm perfectly fine if all of you fix the ship and then go out to save the cybernetic spirits of the damned. But let's not delay the first thing for the second."
Claire: Whenever I get finished closing those valves and the reverend fills me in, Panda will have to agree with the android. None of us has any choice about trying to get the ship fixed, but we have to get that done before asking who wants to take on an extra level of risk.
Ariel: Fine. But if we see something along the way that looks like it could help Spanky, Stickshift McDiggitt isn't going to pass it up.
Claire: Panda shrugs and says, "We can't stop you if that happens."
Elle: Pol adds, "But it's your funeral. And since we have a minister now, there's literally a funeral option available."
Sasha: Narcy checks the slide on her submachine gun and asks if we're ready to go, then.
GMSG: All you have to do is open the door.

(see you all next time!)

(p.s., we're having fun with this no matter what, but if anybody else is out there actually reading it and enjoying themselves, please leave a comment! that way we'll know these posts aren't just vantablack marbles buried in the dark somewhere ...)