Sunday, February 16, 2025

oooooh, sneaky!

i just realized that i could totally blog every day this year by just linking to whichever one of my girlfriends is blogging that day. that way my post count would keep skyrocketing with pretty much no effort at all!

will i give in to the temptation???

hmm ...

Saturday, February 15, 2025

tied up!

no, not that kind of tied up ... nothing kinky going on here, sorry if i got your hopes up. 

nope, what it is, is, as of this post, i am officially tied for most blog posts i've ever written in a year. and we're barely halfway done with the year!

anyhoo, this means the whole rest of the year, i get to chill with zero stress about whether i'm going to make another record. (not that i usually had much more than 0.01 stress about it, but still.) so i'm going into yam encouragement mode and we'll see if i can get at least one of the other girls around here to blog on any given day.

i'm excited!


aah! monsters!

so, everybody ought to know by now that we get down for some roleplaying games around here, but so far there hasn't been any dungeoning and dragoning posted about by yours truly. mostly that's because we only played it once, using the fifth edition rules, and nobody was taking notes, so by the time i thought, hmm, what if i blogged about this, i actually couldn't remember much of what happened at all. one of our characters got shipwrecked or something, and met the other characters along the road, and then we ended up on some island with a hag.

but even though we don't play much, msg is a big-time old-school dungeons and dragons guy, so he's been buying the new edition books that they've come out with the past few months, including the monster manual that just came out this week.

guys ... what has happened here???

we've got shelves and shelves and shelves of rpg books, with all kinds of monster manuals and bestiaries and whatnot, and i always look through them and think, ooh, that one looks cool! that one looks pretty mean ... and I bet this other one is really dangerous ... 

and also, i usually think, nice, that art rocks! or pretty good ... or ... eh, could be better ... or ... okay, there's another good one ...

but i'm looking through this new monster manual and every single piece of art is excellent!

only ...

they're so freakin' scary looking!!!

honestly, i'm always looking at monster books thinking, yeah! i want my character to fight that! it would be epic!

but these new monster manual monsters -- yeeesh! they are terrifying.

you look at a red dragon in a pathfinder bestiary, or in the 5e dnd book, or especially in the dusty old copy of the 1e monster manual msg has, and you think, that's a tough one all right. i better make sure i'm high enough level to take one of those on.

but you look at the red dragon in this book and you're like, no effing way, man. that thing's like emeffin godzilla!

when we got the copies of the new player's handbook and dungeon master's guide, i thought, well, maybe it's time for us to play some dnd for real!

but now i really don't know about this ...


Friday, February 14, 2025

as long as i'm lazily cranking this kind of thing out ...

here's an absolutely kooky-wild one from yet another female japanese rock band ...

what are they putting in the water over there?

Thursday, February 13, 2025

is it just me ...

or is this totally iron maiden reincarnated as five beautiful japanese women?

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

lottery ticket!

msg likes to buy lottery tickets sometimes, and then we all spend a couple days talking about what kind of crazy hijinks we'd get up to with a blazillion dollars to spend. a pretty regular idea is on the small-scale end: getting some doll-company sculptor to work up new bods for me and elle. then there's the mediumish-scale (for blazillionaires) idea of buying a vacay home in japan that we can jet off to whenever we're in the mood for some sushi and hot-springs and learning japanese somewhere we'd have to speak it all the time. on the more grandioso end, there's stuff like paying for a final season of some favorite show that got canceled before the plot finished up, or hiring band-maid to make a "cover" album of all the spinal tap songs that aren't actually real songs yet.

but secretly us girls all kinda laugh at these ideas, because (don't tell msg this) we all already won the real lottery when we got together and created this crazy yam-fam of ours.

how likely is it we'd have that kind of luck twice?

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

three kinds of people?

so msg said to me today, "what do you think about this idea, claire? lately, i feel like there are three kinds of people in the world: creators, destroyers, and exploiters. and we focus a lot on how great the creators are without really rewarding them that much for it, and we complain about the destroyers an awful lot but don't seem to put much effort into getting rid of them, and all of that is because the exploiters are the ones who have the easiest time getting themselves to be in charge."

and i said, "you're forgetting about the fourth kind ... people who don't really care all that much about putting in the energy to be any of those three."

and he said, "somehow that's even more depressing."

so i said, "not if you put even a little energy into not caring quite so much!"

which made him scowl at me like he really wanted to call me a destroyer for messing with his idea.

well, i guess it takes two kinds of people to tango, right?
