Saturday, October 21, 2023

dragonbane ... secret of the dragon emperor part 11!

so where to next, if we're just about done with this temple, hmm?

GM Elle: Morning dawns in the herb garden at the Temple of the Purple Flame.
Sasha: Do we wake up dead because the monster-eyes elf dude herbs us to death in our sleep?
GM Elle: No -- Hafarmal is there, awake before you with a pot of herbal tea on the fire. Everyone should mark off a ration for breakfast. The elf expresses some melancholy over the fact that he'll be closing off the portal that makes his herb garden grow so well, but says it's probably for the best.
Sasha: Damn straight it is. That thing's a monster-maker. 
GM Elle: At any rate, he hands you over the poison antidote he promised you for running off the cultists. He was able to make 3 doses.
MSG: Great. I'll tell him he has our thanks.
GM Elle: Anyone else have any parting words for Hafarmal? No? So where do you head next, then?
Ariel: I think we should go back to Outskirt! We've got a bunch of stuff we could sell off, right?
Sasha: I mean, some scimitars and battle axes from those cultists. Still lots of room in the wagon, though.
Akane: Produce the map! We must see if landmarks of promise are nearby before we rush back to sell a few scimitars.
Claire: I'll get the map out of my backpack. I'm not seeing any wagon-friendly roads to any of the castles or villages marked near us, though.
Akane: Let Zedeja's wiser eyes examine it. Hmm. Yes, it's a liability to take a wagon any of those places. Especially if we don't know which might have treasure. We should return to Outskirt and purchase more donkeys instead. Also a donkey-minder. No more donkey escapage while we explore dungeons!
MSG: Makes sense to me.
Claire: All right, back to town it is.
Ariel: I call shotgun on the cart! Or maybe crossbow I guess since there aren't any shotguns.
Akane: Zedeja will pilot the cart again.
GM Elle: It's a day and a half back to town. On the first shift of day one, you're passing through the Magna Woods. Through the trees, you notice something you didn't spot on your trip northward. It looks like the ruins of a small tower or keep.
MSG: Is it obvious enough that we're suspicious about it appearing out of nowhere?
GM Elle: No, it's back a bit from the road. You could easily have overlooked it ... in fact, I'll roll a die and say that even this time, it's only Zedeja who spots it.
Akane: Of course. The awareness of Zedeja is great. I halt our donkey cart. "Look! Ruins! Someone should go investigate! A responsible type, not a halfing."
Hettie: In a fit of pique, Dilfriida insists on going.
GM Elle: All right, who else?
MSG: Sure, I'll go. Might be some knowledge hiding in there.
Claire: Filvius will definitely go along too, then.
Ariel: It seems like a lot of work to Fidu. I'll stay with the cart.
Sasha: Everybody knows why I've got to go. A monster-slayer never rests.
GM Elle: All right. You proceed through the trees and underbrush until you round a small hillock and see the ruins clearly. It's an ancient tower, all right, mostly intact but also obviously in shambles. A beam has collapsed across the door in, and the building is large enough you think it will take a whole shift to search, basically.
Sasha: Well, we have to at least get the beam out of the way and make sure there are no monsters to kill inside. I'm thinking if we're doing that, we might as well stay a little extra and search.
Akane: What? This decision requires consultation!
Hettie: I suppose Zedeja might have specified before we left whether we should return to consult her and under what circumstances.
Ariel: Don't give her ideas, Hettie! Now she's going to do that on top of bossing us around all the time.
Akane: The suggestion is a good one, but Zedeja would probably have discovered it herself while awaiting impatiently the return of the explorers.
Hettie: Which is why I said anything.
MSG: I guess Quackers and I can get to work shifting this beam. Filvius or Dilfriida want to go let the cart couple know what we're up to?
Claire: I'm guessing Dilfriida would rather not, so I'll go.
Akane: There is consternation and argument, and suspicion for this idea falls on the thievingness of the halfling, but we do not need to enact it all if others do not wish to.
Hettie: Gracious of you, Akane.
GM Elle: Getting inside and searching the place takes a lot of work, but near the end of a shift's time, you find the entrance to a hidden cellar. There's a chest inside that contains two treasure cards worth of loot.
Sasha: So no monsters, is what you're saying.
GM Elle: Right. Who wants to draw the cards?
MSG: I'll draw one. Looks like ... silver coins to the tune of 2d6 x 10. Hah! I roll an 11, so 110.
Claire: Which is what, a whopping 11 gold? So far this treasure deck is not turning out super-generous.
Hettie: Here, I'll draw the next one. Perhaps Dilfriida will be luckier. No, it's a silver necklace worth 2d6 x 5 silver coins. I roll a 9 for 45.
Ariel: On the bright side, that more than pays for our next donkey!
GM Elle: The time spent searching does mean you only get one shift's worth of travel in for the day, so the second day will be a full day's trip.
MSG: I'll set up the tent using Bushcraft, I suppose.
Claire: And I'll help so you get a boon.
MSG: Thanks! One of the two dice comes up a dragon.
GM Elle: You all sleep like babes, then. I'll say it's restful enough to put a spring in your step the next day, and if I don't roll a delaying encounter, you'll get into Outskirt by late afternoon instead of early evening. I'll also skip rolling for nighttime encounters.
MSG: Nice.
GM Elle: You do wake hungry, though, so mark off another ration each for the next day. No encounters for the morning shift ... but in the afternoon, you come across three dead humans hanging from a tree. They're wearing black robes similar to the ones you've seen on those cultists, and they look to have been killed by sword wounds.
Hettie: I will search the bodies to see if there's anything to loot.
GM Elle: You don't find anything, but you do notice that each of the three has a tattoo on the inner forearm. The mark looks like this:

MSG: Very culty.
Ariel: I'm watching out for people with that tattoo from now on!
Sasha: Are you going to ask everybody to roll up the long, black sleeves of their black robes? Cause I'm kind of thinking the black robes will be a giveaway.
Ariel: Or maybe the guys who wear the black robes wear them so everybody thinks all the cultists wear black robes, and then nobody checks anybody for tattoos. No way I'm falling for that.
Akane: It's accurate. All party members should heed the words of the wise old wolf.
GM Elle: Nothing else of note happens on your travels for the day, and as the afternoon winds down, you see the palisade of Outskirt come into view as you crest a hill. To refresh everybody's memory, here's what you've seen of the town:

You're coming in through that north gate, and to the west is the town square with that armless old statue.  The buildings along that north wall are the general store and the smithy. Across the way is the Three Stags, which is the inn run by Vagnhild, who seems to be sort of the mayor or town elder or something. That's also where you met Annabelle, who told Dolora the Truth Society is looking for Dragon Emperor relics and offered 50 gold pieces for each chunk of the 4-piece statuette that can be used as a key to open the vault under the ruins at the center of town, where there's a magic sword that once belonged to the Dragon Emperor.
MSG: This is all coming back to me now.
Ariel: What's coming back to me is, we have loot to trade! Fidu wants to head straight for the smithy to sell off these scimitars and battle axes we have. I roll a ... boo, 18 on my bartering to sell them.
Sasha: Geez, Aers, you haven't even given Elle a chance to say whether the gabby dwarf chick is even there.
GM Elle: She's there, but the 18 means she says she's stocked up well enough she can't give you anything extra, so they'll get you half of book price.
Ariel: What the ... the table says that's only 40 gold for all of them. That's barely more than we paid for the donkey and the cart! How are we ever going to make a profit at this rate?
Sasha: Well, we did find some silver pieces and jewelry bits and bobs, right? How much did those come to?
Akane: Zedeja recalls exactly! Gold bracelet equals 60. Emerald equals 10. Silver pieces are 110.
Hettie: Well, I'm looking at what's written on our cart inventory, and it says 155 silver pieces. Are the 110 part of that?
MSG: I have the 110 written on my sheet. Maybe the 155 are leftover party treasure from when we were stocking up? That's only the equivalent of 15 gold.
GM Elle: I don't think it will break the bank if we assume the 155 doesn't include the 110 on Dolora's sheet. My math says with six characters, that total comes to the equivalent of 96 gold and 5 silver, which is 16 gold and eight coppers each, with 2 coppers left over.
MSG: Well, I'm using some of mine to buy an open helm and get my armor rating up.
Akane: Zedeja shops for donkeys. The book says, so expensive! Especially when saddle-bagged twice for maximum item carriage. Hmm. Suppose this: buy one donkey, plus four saddlebags. Keep the cart, and when we reach a road's end, hide it and any unneeded items in bushes. Journey on with two donkeys. If anyone steals our cart and hidden items, we track them down with bushcrafters and teach them a lesson against such thievery. I summon the wise hound to barter for this donkey plus bags.
Ariel: Um ... I roll a 15, so I make it.
GM Elle: You get the donkey and saddlebags for 20% off.
MSG: Still pretty steep ... 28 gold, 8 silver. If we split it 6 ways ... 4 gold, 8 silver each.
Sasha: I'm swapping out my broadsword for a longsword. I'll give it a shot with my own bartering ... 2! Got it!
GM Elle: It takes two rolls to do the whole transaction, though, one to convince Okald that your broadsword is worth more than she'd normally pay, another to convince her you deserve a discount on the longsword.
Sasha: All right ... well ... watch this! Hah, another 2!
GM Elle: Okald is impressed by your smooth talking --
MSG: I think for a mallard it's called "quackery."
Claire: Haha
Sasha: Whatever. Gimme the calculator. Looks like I'm out 12 gold and 8 silver on that deal.
Hettie: While it's still light and those hilltop ruins aren't quite so creepy, I want to go look into them.
GM Elle: Everyone but Filvius is shopping or swapping ... are you going to let him know where you're going?
Hettie: Better than that, I'll invite him along. It certainly can't hurt to have a mage with healing and lightning bolts in my corner while exploring.
GM Elle: Does Filvius want to go, Claire?
Claire: You bet! Who knows what kind of knowledge I might dig up in some ancient ruins?
GM Elle: All right, so as you climb the weathered stone path up the central hill of Outskirt, you find yourself in an area of crumbling stone walls loomed over by a decrepit temple much smaller than the one in the Magna Woods, but an impressive centerpiece for this small town anyway. There's an open terrace strewn with rubble to the southwest of the circular main temple, and a small hut at a slightly higher elevation to the northwest of that, smoke issuing from its chimney.

Claire: Hmm. So somebody's apparently living up on this hill by the temple ruins?
Hettie: Curious.
GM Elle: It does look that way.
Claire: So do we want to go poke around the temple ourselves, or maybe go ask whoever that is what they know about the place? I mean, the ruins have obviously been here forever. Maybe this person in the hut already knows more than we could find out looking around on our own.
Hettie: Dilfriida wonders whether second-hand information could necessarily be trusted when we can have a first-hand view ourselves.
Claire: That's a good point. But if we know what someone is willing to tell us, and then we find something different when we look for ourselves, it's a good bet that difference means we should pay extra attention to whatever it is, right?
Hettie: Dilfriida is no sophisticate, so she bows to your argument.
Claire: Okay, let's head up to the hut, then.
GM Elle: After climbing a steep path to the upper part of the hill, you find a simple dwelling with a grass roof and walls of stacked granite. There's a connecting garden surrounded by a low fence. Herbal-smelling smoke billows from the rough chimney.
Claire: I guess we'll head up to the door and knock.
GM Elle: There's a brief delay and some muttering. Then a shriveled old man opens the door. He's utterly hairless, and wrinkled as a prune. His feet are bare. You're not sure if he's wearing a robe that looks like a sack, or an actual sack. He asks what he can do for you.
Claire: I tell him we've come seeking knowledge.
GM Elle: His creaky, low voice says, "What kind of knowledge?"
Claire: Filvius struggles to avoid saying, "What have you got?" Actually, no, with my 8 Charisma, I guess I do just say that straight out.
GM Elle: He tells you he's far too old and has seen far to many things to even attempt an answer to that question. "If you haven't any specific reason for being here, I should just get back to my meditation."
MSG: Tough crowd.
Claire: I ask him what he's meditating about.
GM Elle: He scowls and it makes his wrinkles even wrinklier and he says, "I meditate on many things. For instance, right now I am going inside to meditate on the importance of calm and composure and their ability to wear down the rough edges of aggravation." Then he starts to close the door.
Claire: Oh well, we tried. Come on, Dilfriida.
Hettie: Dilfriida waits until the door is closed and then steps by Filvius and knocks again repeatedly.
GM Elle: You hear grumbles and footsteps return to the door and it opens again.
Hettie: I ask him where precisely he finds the nerve to rebuff the questions of brave adventurers on a quest to solve the mysteries of this foggy little valley. Not, obviously, in exactly those words, but Dilfriida has her dander up over being dismissed.
GM Elle: He squints at you with his brows so furrowed an accordion would be jealous. Then he says, "You desire knowledge? Bring me a mince pie from the baker, a jug of mead from the tavern, and a tin of those little candies from beyond the valley that Master Ulvard sometimes has on his shelf of luxuries and nonessentials. For each one, I will answer you one and only one question to the best of my abilities."
Claire: I ask him where the baker is, since we've already been to the tavern and the general store.
GM Elle: He says he could tell you, but it would count as one of your three questions and then you'd have only two left.
Claire: Sheesh, what a grump. I don't say that to his face, but I do say it to Dilfriida once he's closed the door and we're walking away.
Hettie: Dilfriida agrees and asks if we should spit in his pie when we bring it.
MSG: You two are really leaning into this 8 Charisma thing, aren't you?
Claire: I mean, "role" and "playing" are two of the three words in the name of this kind of game, right?
Hettie: Dilfriida says, "Now we need to find someone who won't force us to do errands in exchange for telling us where the bakery is."
GM Elle: Is that your next move, then? You see the ruined temple ahead as you're coming down from the old man's homestead.
Claire: Hmm. On the one hand, I'm now on a mission to earn the for-sure knowledge of prune-grump answering three questions. But on the other hand, I might want one of those questions to be about something in the ruins, so I probably want to have a look inside before we cash in our questions.
Hettie: Dilfriida is most likely still peevish about the old man's disrespect, so she would just as soon get away from this area for a while. She proposes we have a look in the temple when we return.
Claire: Sounds good to me.
GM Elle: All right, while the two of you head out to find the bakery, let's switch back to our shoppers, who have probably finished up by now. Where are you each going next?
MSG: Might as well be the inn for some mead and food.
Ariel: I'm beat from all the traveling and haggling.
Sasha: You were riding in the cart the whole time.
Ariel: Did you listen when Elle was describing the road? It sounded way too bumpy for riding in the cart to be very restful.
Akane: Zedeja thinks a meal will be good for her very aged stomach, after these travels and the donkey dickering.
Hettie: Hmm.
Akane: What? Why is there giggling? It's an adequate substitute for bartery, isn't it? I've referenced the thesaurus because Zedeja of Mind must have a more English vocabulary than Akane from Japan.
Ariel: Sorry, those were just a couple of funny words to use together.
Sasha: Yeah it's a perfectly good word. Be sure you always say, 'dickering' and not 'dickery,' though.
Akane: More vocabulary to look up. Role-playing enwisens me.
GM Elle: How about Quackenscrump, Sasha? He heading to the Three Stags too?
Sasha: Sure. Probably overdue to get out of this armor.
GM Elle: When you get to the inn, then, you find some unsavory looking characters making a drunken racket at one of the tables in the common room. There's also a darkly mysterious woman in plate armor sitting in a corner, eyeing the boisterous table narrowly. They look like this.

MSG: Mysterious, hmm? Sounds like the kind of person who might have some knowledge. I'll go over and ask her if I can buy her a drink.
GM Elle: Go ahead and make a Charisma check to see how she responds to you.
MSG: Dammit. 19. 
GM Elle: She says she only drinks wine, and then she points to the mostly full goblet on the table in front of her and says she has plenty for the time being and would just as soon be left to her own thoughts.
MSG: Sheesh. Friendly type.
Claire: Want to try your luck at the unsavory table? Maybe they're more amenable to being bought a drink.
MSG: I get the impression they've had plenty already, and I don't get the impression they're the knowledgeable type. I'll just go get a table of my own and wait for any of the group who want to join me.
Sasha: Quackers is up for a drink.
Akane: Zedeja must eat, then rest.
Ariel: Fidu has that same idea.
GM Elle: The serving girl, Annabelle, takes your orders and brings them out when they're ready. While you're waiting, you see a rough-looking mallard come in and sit with the table of rowdies. They seem to pay him some deference, and raise their mugs toward him as he sits.

MSG: Definitely not buying that guy a drink.
GM Elle: When Annabelle returns with your food and drinks, he squawks at her to come over. She waves brightly and says she'll be there in a minute. Then she leans close to you, Dolora, and asks if you found anything 'interesting' on your adventures.
MSG: I tell her we found lots of interesting stuff and I'd be happy to tell her about it when she's got a little more time.
Claire: You're not going to blab about us finding the next statue piece, are you?
MSG: Maybe. She's a 'Truth Seeker' after all, so I'm inclined to butter her up in search of knowledge. But I didn't tell her about the other one before ... we'll just see how it goes.
GM Elle: She says she's excited to hear more, and that she'll come and look for you if the tavern quiets down, or once it closes for the evening regardless. After that, she goes over to the disheveled mallard and his companions and asks if there's anything else she can get them. The rowdy ones start roaring for more drinks and the mallard says something that's lost in all the noise.
Ariel: I do not trust that guy!
Sasha: Yeah, he looks like a spooky wizard.
Akane: Or possibly that hood is cultish garb.
GM Elle: Is this table talk, or are your characters saying these things?
Ariel: Well, I did say I was going to be on the lookout for those cult tattoos, so if the duck guy is wearing culty robes, probably I would be eyeing him and saying what I thought. Not super loud or anything. I'm too old and slothful to be loud about it.
Sasha: I figured it was our characters talking.
Akane: Agreed.
GM Elle: Okay, then you notice one of them spots you looking their way -- the big hefty bald guy.
MSG: I'll raise my tankard toward him in a friendly way.
Ariel: I'm looking at that tattoo on his head to see if it looks like the one on those dead cultists. But I roll a 16 on my spot hidden.
Sasha: I mean, from the picture it doesn't look very hidden to me.
GM Elle: It's not, and you can tell it doesn't look the same, other than just being a tattoo with a pointy, symbol-y look.
Ariel: It didn't really look like it to me either, I guess.
Sasha: Then why'd you roll?
Akane: It's devious from our innocent Ariel, I think! She hoped for a Dragon or Demon roll to mark the skill for advancement.
Ariel: Um ...
Sasha: Shame on you, Aers!
GM Elle: Yeah, I'll let it slide, but it's really better if you ask whether you need to roll or not before you just do it.
Ariel: Okay, sorry. So can I spot hidden to see any tattoos peeking out from under their sleeves?
GM Elle: Sure, but I'm counting the 16 you already rolled as the roll for that.
Ariel: Poop.
GM Elle: Anyway, the bald guy sees you still staring and says something to his buddies and gets up. The mallard says something back, but all the others are still making rowdy noise and you can't make out what.
MSG: I'd ask if I could Spot Hidden to read lips, but my Spot Hidden stinks and mallards don't have lips.
GM Elle: The bald guy is stomping aggressively in your direction, taking a last swig from his tankard along the way and then letting it dangle empty in his hand.
MSG: Do you really mean dangle, or do you mean he's got it clenched in a fist like he might smack somebody with it?
GM Elle: More the second one. He reaches your table and demands to know what you all think you're looking at?
MSG: I say I was just tipping my glass to some fellow patrons of this fine establishment.
Ariel: I don't say anything. Definitely not, "We think we're looking at cultists!"
Akane: Zedeja says, "Two of us are young and easily distracted by enthusiastic activity. Two of us are old with weak eyes and must peer carefully to see what occurs around us."
GM Elle: He doesn't seem to buy it and leans in and says, "Well, we don't like bein' stared at!" You notice the others are scooting their chairs like they're thinking something might happen.
Sasha: Quackenscrump says, "Sorry, why don't you let me buy you all a round of drinks to make up for it." I make sure I say it loud enough for the other ones to hear. Can I make it a Persuade roll?
GM Elle: Sure. Since you asked.
Ariel: Why are you looking at me like that, Elle!
Sasha: I roll a 2.
GM Elle: He looks like he's considering your offer. The others yell at him. "Come on, Vlort! Free drinks are free drinks! Don't let your dander spoil it for the rest of us!" He looks grumpy but stands back up instead of looming over you.
Sasha: I'll wave the serving girl over and give her, what's that, 3 coppers a mug?
GM Elle: Four.
Sasha: Dammit. So 2 silvers for all 5 of them to get another mead.
GM Elle: The bald guy points a finger at you and says, "That's all right this time, but don't think a few flagons means you can keep givin' funny looks at us."
Sasha: I'll say we'll be sure not to. Then I'll say if it will help show we're not up to anything, I'd be happy to play some darts or have an arm-wrestling contest once we're done with our meal.
GM Elle: He kind of harrumphs and goes back to his table.
MSG: I like this arm-wrestling idea. If you keep them occupied, that will give me time to chat with Annabelle.
Sasha: If they take me up on it. Or darts. Is there a darts board?
GM Elle: Not that you see.
MSG: Well, while we're finishing our meal and waiting to see if they take Quackers up on his offer, I guess you can cut back to Filvius and Dilfriida.
GM Elle: Sure. As you're coming down from the hill, you can each make an Awareness check.
Claire: 14 blows it for me.
Hettie: I roll a 9, which is a success.
GM Elle: Dilfriida, you think you smell a scent of fresh-baked bread from down the street to your right as you exit the stone path that leads up to the ruins.
Hettie: Excellent. I'll tell Filvius and strike off in that direction.
GM Elle: You soon see smoke rising from that windmill structure along the south side of the street. It seems to be the source of the mouth-watering smell. As you get closer, you see that the mill is attached to a log house with piglets, chickens, and carefree toddlers running about the fenced yard. The children appear to be young halflings, so they're quite small.
Sasha: I'm glad it's not me that has to clean the pig shit off those kids' feet.
Akane: We have practice, though, from cleaning harpy excrement.
Sasha: Yechh. Thanks for reminding me.
Akane: You're welcome!
Hettie: I'll ask the kids where to get a mince pie around this part of town.
GM Elle: They laugh and say their dad is the one who gives them mince pies, but you can't have theirs since you're strangers and you're not invited to dinner.
Hettie: I make a rude gesture at them and look for a door into the mill.
GM Elle: It's not hard to find. As you walk that direction, though, you see all the halfling kids copying your gesture and giggling.
Claire: Let's ignore them and find the baker, okay?
Hettie: Fine, but I've got it in for those little miscreants now. Dilfriida probably calls them "shits" instead of "miscreants," I suppose.
GM Elle: The front part of the mill tower turns out to be a small shop. Inside behind the counter is a plump but elegant halfling with a head of handsome curls and a winning smile. You see shelves of baked goods as well as stacks of bagged flower all about the little room. He asks what he can do for you.
Hettie: We need a mince pie, ASAP.
GM Elle: He looks a little downcast and says they're all out of them for today, but then seems to force himself to brighten. He says he can hold one for you from the batch he makes tomorrow morning, if you care to come back then.
Hettie: Dilfriida figures he's regretting letting those sty-wallowing kids of his gobble down all the mince pies, but she has the sense to avoid saying so.
GM Elle: Probably a good move.
Claire: I'll give him our names and say we'll be back in the morning.
GM Elle: He clears his throat awkardly and asks if you might be willing to pay up front or at least leave a deposit. "They're very popular, our mince pies. Our regular customers might be a bit ... put out, if they saw we'd held one back that wasn't paid for."
Hettie: I say he should tell them to jump in a hole if they get bent out of shape about it.
GM Elle: He looks a bit taken aback and stressed again.
Claire: I'll go ahead and get out my coinpurse and pay anyway. I mean, we'll be out the money one way or another. No reason to make this guy anxious by not paying now. How much is it?
GM Elle: A full-size one is 3 silver and will count as 3 rations. A one-serving one is 1 silver.
Claire: Well, the prune dude on the hill didn't specify what size, so I'll shell out for the single-serving version.
GM Elle: The baker thanks you for patronizing the Chubbycheeks bakery and says he looks forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Claire: Okay, candies from the general store and then back to the Three Stags for that jug of mead.
GM Elle: At Master Ulvar's store, you find that those candies are a luxury item and will cost you five silvers.
Claire: Hmm. If the knowledge that buys me is good, it's cheap at the price. But there's no guarantee the pruney guy will come through with anything useful, so I'll try to haggle for a cheaper price. I get a 15, though, which is nowhere close to the 4 I have in bartering. I fork over the 5 silver.
GM Elle: After fending off your counteroffer by saying these come by long-distance caravan from far beyond the mountains, he makes the exchange and says he's sure you'll enjoy them. He can hardly keep them on the shelves.
Claire: Great, that's nice for him. Ready to get back to the inn, Dilfriida?
Hettie: Very much so.
GM Elle: When you enter, you see your companions finishing off a meal at one table, a handful of other customers scattered about the place, and that table of rowdies in the corner.
Claire: If there's room at our table, I'll go sit down and order a meal.
GM Elle: Unless the group specifically chose a smaller table, there's room.
Akane: Is there a table that fits only five? If yes, Zedeja would insist on that one. Then, "Sorry, halfling, no room left here."
GM Elle: No pentagonal tables at the Three Stags, I'm afraid. Of the tables available when you arrived, the choices would seat 4 or 6.
Akane: Suppose the table is for 6, but I moved one chair elsewhere.
GM Elle: In that case, Annabelle or Vagnhild would probably move it back when they saw Dilfriida and Filvius come in. Most likely saying, "Now how did this get here?" when they spot the extra chair over by a table where it doesn't belong.
Akane: Foiled! Still, it's good to see this quick service from inn employees.
Ariel: Even if it had worked, I'm probably going up to the room for a snooze as soon as I'm done eating, which I'm guessing won't be long.
Akane: Rooms! We haven't secured them, have we? Oldsters must lodge together again. I summon the innkeeper.
GM Elle: Vagnhild puts in an appearance regularly in the common room, so you see her relatively quickly. 
Ariel: Ooh, I'll see if I can sweet-talk her into that same deal we got last time. Is it okay to roll my Bartering?
GM Elle: Go for it.
Ariel: I roll a 9, easy peasy.
GM Elle: Same total as last time, then: 17 silver, 6 coppers for the two rooms and two spots in the dormitory.
Claire: I'll shell it out this time, but somebody else needs to get it next time.
Ariel: Thanks! Anyways, off to bed for me now, in that case.
Akane: Zedeja also will retire for rest.
Sasha: I think it's about time for me to remind the maybe-cultists about my friendly arm-wrestling offer. I'll go over and ask how they're doing and see if any of them want to take me up on it.
GM Elle: The mallard says, "I think Imvir should give it a try." The guy he indicates is the scrawniest looking one, and seems caught off-guard by the suggestion, but says, "Uh, sure, Quasimund." We'll do this as best two of three using opposed strength rolls. Lower roll wins, as long as it's a success.
Sasha: I'll take off my, uh -- what's the word for the forearm parts of the armor?
Hettie: Vambraces.
Sasha: Hot damn, you just knew that?
Hettie: I looked it up early on in the game when I learned one of the party had plate armor.
Sasha: Nice, thanks. So I'll sit down opposite this Imvir dude and start by taking off my left Vambrace.
GM Elle: He frowns and starts rolling up his left sleeve, but says, "Hey, maybe we use our right arms? Left is my off one."
Sasha: Did he get his sleeve up far enough I could see if there's a tattoo in sight?
GM Elle: Make a Spot Hidden check.
Sasha: Nope. Got an 8 and needed a 6.
Hettie: I would have been looking too if I'd known that was part of what's going on. But since nobody clued me in, I'm just watching for the entertainment value.
MSG: I would definitely be watching for tattoos.
Claire: Me too.
Ariel: Me too! If I wasn't in bed.
GM Elle: MSG and Claire, draw initiative cards. Winner is positioned at an angle that will let you try a Spot Hidden check.
MSG: 2.
Claire: 5.
MSG: My check is a 7, but I needed a 6.
GM Elle: So no one sees squat.
Sasha: I tell the guy it's fine, I was just taking off both vambraces for comfort.
GM Elle: He looks relieved and starts rolling up his other sleeve. Roll Awareness, Sash.
Sasha: Aha! 5 makes it!
GM Elle: You notice one of the others elbow him before his sleeve gets too far up, and he stops unrolling it. He puts his elbow to the table and signals that he's ready. Go ahead and roll the first opposed check.
Sasha: Oof. 17 is a success, but just barely.
GM Elle: He rolls an 8. Looks like he gets you the first time. The others hoot and cheer drunkenly, and Imvir grins. Next try.
Sasha: Dang, 16!
GM Elle: He rolls a 7. Others in the common room are watching too. Some of them laugh, and somebody calls out, "Ooh, big strong mallard knight, huh?"
Sasha: They're really lucky I didn't get that "thin skinned" weakness Dilfriida has.
MSG: Dolora says she'll give it a shot.
GM Elle: They make room for the dwarf. The same guy is up against you.
MSG: That's a 3.
GM Elle: He gets a 6, so you pin him. Next try?
MSG: 7.
GM Elle: Against his 10, you win again.
MSG: I'll look around at the others challengingly.
GM Elle: A dark haired woman takes Imvir's place. Her companions start saying, "Glinssa, Glinssa, Glinssa!"
MSG: Dragon this time.
GM Elle: You smack Ginssa's hand to the table almost instantly, and she says "Ow! Okay, I'm done with that." She gives up her spot, shaking out her pained hand as she rises.
MSG: Anybody else?
GM Elle: Vlort sits down, glaring at you through narrowed eyes. He rolls up his sleeve, and everybody can make a Spot Hidden check.
MSG: 17.
Claire: Dragon!
Sasha: 11, fail.
GM Elle: Claire, Filvius sees just a little corner of a tattoo sticking out from where he's rolled his sleeve. Looks like he was trying to be careful to uncover as little of it as possible, if any. But you're convinced it's the same tattoo you saw on the strung-up cultists. Something about the angle and the curves you can see just looks like a dead-on match.
MSG: Well, that's a win even if the arm-wrestling goes south. I get a 15.
GM Elle: He gets a 4 and roars victoriously, standing up and punching his hands in the air over his head.
MSG: Great, nice, congratulations.
GM Elle: He sits down again and squares off with you for the next go. 
MSG: 10 this time.
GM Elle: Another 4 for him. Dolora goes down. There's general celebration amongst the rowdies. Quasimund's head nods slightly within the depths of his hood.
MSG: Hmm. If they're sizing us up for some reason, maybe it's a good thing we didn't totally thrash on them.
GM Elle: Vlort is pumped up from his win, and says, "Anybody else? Who wants to try it against me?"
Claire: Filvius will pass.
Hettie: Dilfriida too. She's not a weakling, but not a strong-woman either.
GM Elle: Are you sure about that? Because Vlort glares and grins at you both and says, "What's the matter -- the rest of you a bunch of chickens?"
Claire: Filvius says, "Yes, pretty much."
Hettie: Sigh. Dilfriida obviously doesn't take to being called a chicken and tells him to take that back.
GM Elle: Vlort laughs and says, "Well, obviously I wasn't calling you a chicken. I'd never expect a wee child like you to step into a man's contest like this."
Hettie: Damn it. All right, I get up from my seat and stomp over to try it.
GM Elle: He says not to worry, he'll take it very easy on you. Okay, make your Strength check.
Hettie: Aha! This time I get the 4.
GM Elle: Vlort's roll is 12. He looks shocked and a bit angry that you've bested him. Roll again.
Hettie: Even better -- that's a 2.
GM Elle: It's a tie ... but ties go to the player. You win. Vlort shoves back from the table muttering something about "conniving halflings" and storms out the front door.
MSG: If the contest's over, I'm going to offer to buy Glinssa an extra drink, to make up for smashing her hand so hard.
GM Elle: All right, she definitely accepts that.
MSG: I'll try to pal up with her some then, and see if I can get on her good side. I'm not trying to convince her to do anything, just being sociable. Dolora's very staid and serious, so I'm not being the life of the party, just making interested, respectful conversation.
GM Elle: I'll call that a straight Charisma check at the end of the evening. How many drinks are you going to buy her total?
MSG: Let's say two since she's already had at least one, right? The rules say anything more than three gives you a condition, and I don't want her getting Angry.
GM Elle: All right, I'm giving you a Bane for her starting off indisposed to take a shine to you, but a Boon for the second drink, so that makes it a straight roll. She'd had more than one drink earlier, though, and she becomes Disheartened as a result of the second one.
MSG: I make my roll with a 15, which is close but still under my Charisma.
GM Elle: You put her at ease enough to let her guard down a little. Since she's disheartened, she starts talking about how losing the arm-wrestling so quickly made her feel bad, because Quasimund already treats her like she's the lowest member of the gang, and Vlort picks on her all the time.
MSG: I'll tell her that if she ever feels like her group isn't doing right by her, we might have an opening she could fit into.
Claire: Do you tell her that the opening is for a donkey handler?
MSG: I do not.
GM Elle: Quasimund sees that the two of you have been talking a while and comes over and squawks at Glinssa that it's time to go. She looks even more downcast and starts to get up.
MSG: I'll tell her it was nice sharing drinks with her as a parting comment.
GM Elle: You can make an opposed Charisma check against Quasimund, then.
MSG: Ooh, Dragon!
GM Elle: Quasimund fails with a 12. You see Glinssa give him a resentful look. Then she nods quickly at you with a weak smile, and they leave. Imvir and the fourth guy lift whatever's left in their flagons and follow the two of them out.
MSG: Think I'm ready to turn in, then.
Claire: Me too.
Ariel: Chasing rabbits in my sleep already!
Sasha: Quackenscrump's going to close the place down.
Hettie: Dilfriida will go up with Filvius and Dolora.
GM Elle: Sash, mark off however many more coppers you spend on drinks, and then we'll skip to the morning next session. Wrapping this one up with experience ... participation, yes for everyone. Exploring a new location ... those ruins you found. Defeating a dangerous enemy ... I'm saying no for that one, since I don't count arm-wrestling. But I do count all the social stuff you did as solving problems without violence, which makes three marks for everyone, and another for whoever thinks they gave in to their weakness.
MSG: Filvius and I both went into those ruins for knowledge. I think we should count that.
Claire: No argument from me.
Ariel: Fidu went to bed early 
Sasha: If knowledge-searching in those ruins counts, I'm counting monster-hunting there too.
Akane: Plenty of domineerance from Zedeja, I believe.
Hettie: I think Dilfriida displayed a sufficiency of pique as well.
GM Elle: Okay, everybody make your advancement rolls then, and we'll see what happens next time.

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