Friday, January 26, 2024

secret of the dragon emperor ... part 18!

i haven't been very good about pointing this out lately, but if you need to catch up on the older posts in this series, there's a page of links you can find in the roleplaying game posts section of my blog archive over on the left!

our scene begins outside the entrance to dead eyes cave ...

GM Elle: Here we go, folks. To start this session off, we're jumping back to the point when Fidu, Filvius, and Zedeja limp out of the cave bruised-up and snake-bitten from falling in the snake pit.
Claire: Good times.
Ariel: Is Glinssa still there watching our donkeys and all the stuff in our cart? Because I really need a sleeping pelt to curl up on for some rest right about now.
Akane: If the cultist has fled with our goods, Zedeja prepares loud complaints about the unwise-ness of hiring that zealot to tend our livestock.
GM Elle: As it happens, both Glinssa and the wagon are still there. She does look surprised to see you back so soon, and only the three of you. She jumps up from where she'd been sitting on the cart bench and says, "Oh no ... did the basilisk --"
Akane: No worries about a basilisk. Our dwarf who hired you has disproved its existence. More importantly, what is this sitting down while on the job?
GM Elle: She looks more than a little confused. "I mean ... I expected it would be hours that I'd have to wait out here by myself, and no one told me I needed to stand the whole time. But Dolora is okay?"
Akane: She is dour, but normally so. We are mighty adventurers. There's no need for such worrying. Be more concerned about donkeys! However, if you must be concerned for others, at least include the duck knight in your questions. It's rude to leave him out.
GM Elle: She appears perplexed and off-balance. "I don't understand. Is ... do you want me to ask about Sir Quackenscrump and Dilfriida too? Or ask about nobody at all?"
Akane: Too many questions! Also, asking about that halfling and asking about nobody are the same. Don't be repetitious! There should be reporting about donkey conditions instead. 
GM Elle: She says they seem to be fine.
Claire: Filvius asks if Akane or Fidu need any healing.
Ariel: I'm down 5 hit points, so heck yes!
Akane: Zedeja lacks the same number. There should be healing, then stretch resting, then more healing if still needed.
Claire: Well, Filvius already took a stretch rest this shift, so how about if you two stretch rest, and then if you're still hurt, I could do some healing.
Ariel: I already took my stretch rest too.
Claire: Okay, well, in that case I'll try a Heal Wounds. 19. Nope, 2 WP wasted. Let's try again ... okay, better -- 13. I also roll 13 for the amount of healing.
Ariel: Great! That's way more than I needed.
Akane: Zedeja rests for a stretch and feels improved.
Ariel: I guess while Zedeja is resting we'll let Glinssa know what happened.
GM Elle: She looks dubious when you get to the part about the basilisk being dead.
Claire: I tell her Dolora was very convincing. She gets that, right? Otherwise she wouldn't be here now.
GM Elle: That makes sense to her.
Ariel: Fidu asks if maybe Filvius can set up the tent. I think your Bushcrafting is better than mine. Plus, I'm beat. It's getting pretty late, right? So we might as well get camp ready for when the others get back.
Sasha: You know, your guys don't know that our guys killed the basilisk yet.
Claire: No, but thanks to Dolora's great Persuasion roll, we think it was dead before we got here. I get a 4 on my Bushcraft roll, Aers, so the tent goes right up.
Ariel: Great. Fidu picks a corner and hits the sleeping pelt.
Claire: I guess Filvius does the same.
Akane: No rest for Zedeja. She must watch this cultist. At least until others return.
GM Elle: Well, it was dusk when you arrived, so it's fully dark now except for whatever focus Filvius cast his Light on.
Claire: Probably this amulet I have, which I would have left outside with whoever's on watch to make it easier to get some shuteye. It will only last a shift, though.
GM Elle: Should be enough. Your characters don't know it, but the rest of the group will be back with the lamp well before the elf's spell expires.
MSG: So are we skipping to that point now?
GM Elle: Unfortunately, no. The die of fate that I rolled has decreed a random encounter. Zedeja and Glinssa will need to make Awareness rolls -- Glinssa's being a 20. I'm going to roll again -- on an odd number, she does something that distracts Zedeja and gives her a Bane; on an even number, she's paying so little attention she falls asleep.
Akane: The even possibility would bring instant complaint from Zedeja!
GM Elle: In that case, I don't even need to roll. Zedeja sees Glinssa starting to nod off, and whatever you do to prod her and complain distracts you enough that you get the Bane on your Awareness roll. I probably should have just jumped right to that.
Akane: Zedeja the Mind sees all. Even while she scolds, she remains Aware -- both rolls are 8.
GM Elle: Some movement from down the pass interrupts her criticism of Glinssa, then. Two figures in black robes are approaching -- one of them carrying a torch.
MSG: Not sure I like the sound of those robes.
Sasha: Eh. If they're more cultists but there are only two of them, they'll never survive the tongue-lashing Zedeja's will dish out to anyone who interrupts her discipline session with Glinssa.
Akane: Accurate. Zedeja looks to see if tattoos are visible on these robed interrupters.
GM Elle: Roll Spot Hidden with a bane.
Akane: The first die yes, the second no.
GM Elle: No obvious tattoos in sight then. When they get a little closer, you see them stop a moment and whisper to one another. They're a man and a woman, both shaved bald.
Akane: Conspirers! Zedeja calls out to them, "Speak up! An old woman can't hear you at this distance!"
GM Elle: They move forward, their gazes switching between Zedeja and Glinssa. Their expressions are curious or suspicious. One of them says, "Are you of the group sent by Koth? He wonders why there has been delay."
Akane: We are bold adventurers! Plus an employee. No one sends us except ourselves.
GM Elle: Zedeja can make an Awareness check.
Akane: Accomplished. The roll is 5.
GM Elle: Out of the corner of your eye, you think you notice Glinssa stiffen a little bit at mention of the name Koth.
Akane: Even without tattoos, these two must be cultly, then. Zedeja tells them a basilisk ate all the black-robed types who were here. Astonishing numbers of dead bodies in black robes.
GM Elle: The woman points at Glinssa and asks, "What about her?"
MSG: Wait, she's not still wearing her black robe is she?
GM Elle: She doesn't have an extensive wardrobe, and she wouldn't have been walking around town or into the Three Stags without the robe that Quasimund and Annabelle would expect her to have on.
MSG: I wish I'd known that detail.
Claire: Me too, but I have to admit that any of us could have asked if she was still wearing it.
Akane: Zedeja says, "She is a donkey tender."
GM Elle: Glinssa nods nervously. Go ahead and roll a bluff on your story about there being tons of dead bodies.
Akane: Zedeja is wise with her words, though. "Astonishing numbers" could be one or zero. One astonishing because we did not expect cultists, or zero astonishing because surely a basilisk would kill many of them.
GM Elle: I'm still going to ask for a roll.
Akane: Hmm. Zedeja's Bluffing ... very poor. She rolls 13 and fails.
GM Elle: They continue to walk forward, and the man addresses Glinssa. He says, "Maybe you should speak for yourself, sister. Is this true about bodies in black robes like ours?" Glinssa swallows heavily and opens her mouth to speak.
Akane: If they are within 6 meters, Zedeja will Levitate them.
GM Elle: They are. But an Awareness check means the woman notices you starting the spell and gets to draw initiative against you. The man rolls a Demon, meaning he's so off-guard that your Bane won't apply to him if you win the initiative.
Akane: Initiative! Those cards are against us always. I draw ... 7.
GM Elle: The woman draws the 1. She draws a scimitar and rushes forward to attack. A 13 succeeds.
Akane: Zedeja has stubbornness in wanting to bespell them. She does not dodge.
GM Elle: Ouch, 10 points of damage then.
Akane: Hm. Possibly that was unwise of the mage. Still -- her turn. The first roll is 5, so the man rises into the air. Bane roll is a Dragon, so the woman rises also. 8 meters means 4 dice of falling! 13 against the man. 10 against the woman.
GM Elle: The man comes down on his head and snaps his neck. The woman lands hard but is still alive.
Akane: "The fall was deadly because of your aggression!" Zedeja tells her. "It would be a gentle one as a warning if you did not attack!" This is more Bluffing. The roll is 4, so now I am believable.
GM Elle: Draw initiative again. Fidu and Filvius can roll Awareness to see if they wake up and draw as well.
Claire: 7. Filvius is up.
Ariel: I roll an 18, which is good because Fidu wants to sleep anyway.
Akane: 4 is the initiative of Zedeja.
Claire: 9 for Filvius.
GM Elle: 7 for the cultist, 5 for Glinssa.
Akane: Zedeja will Brawl the cultist. Her skill has improved recently. 13 succeeds.
GM Elle: She tries to evade and does so with a 5. Glinssa follows your lead and tries to punch her. She gets a 2, for 2 points of damage, just enough to bring the cultist down. She probably wasn't eager to kill the woman, so I'm going to say that just knocks her out.
Akane: What! Next time, you must kick where her ribcage is weak from falling on rocks. No sympathies for these cultists!
MSG: Is Zedeja really angry about something? She seems particularly worked up this evening.
Akane: It's her humiliation of rolling a Demon for Levitating near the pit of snakes. Obviously, an overbearing type like Zedeja must do something to overbear her failure. It's not too much, I hope.
Sasha: Are you kidding? Zedeja's a riot. She's on fire tonight.
Hettie: Yes, high marks for the roleplaying, though Dilfriida certainly wouldn't agree.
Claire: Have we gotten around to my initiative card yet? Because Filvius is going to come out of the tent and demand the scoop on what's going on here.
GM Elle: Yes. And Glinssa fills you in by saying, "Some cultists attacked us. Zedeja killed one and I knocked the other out."
Claire: That's great news. We'll be able to get some info out of her for sure when she wakes up.
GM Elle: Glinssa looks pleased at that, then glances nervously in Zedeja's direction.
Akane: Elf! You must come expend magic healing these wounds of Zedeja. She has been scimitared.
Claire: I'll go over and spend a couple WP on a Heal Wounds spell. Oof. Just missed it with a 15. I'll try again. Better. That's an 11. Only 4 hit points back, though.
Akane: I have 3 times as many hit points now as before, so Zedeja withholds complaint. She does insist you cast the spell again, though.
Claire: I'm pretty low on WP. Do you think we should maybe save some healing in case the rest of the group return injured?
Akane: This is wisdom from Filvius, but tonight is not a night for questioning the commands of an aggravated mentalist. Zedeja deals you a fierce scowl.
Claire: Yeesh, all right. Ooh, Dragon casting the spell! Thanks for making me do that.
GM Elle: I'll let you roll 3 dice for healing because of the Dragon, and any points beyond what Zedeja needs for full health can bring her WP up.
Claire: Eep, that's 21 points.
Akane: Exactly the amount to bring Zedeja to her full health and vitality. "Do you see what you can do when you follow the ideal advice of the Mind?"
Claire: Sure. Now I'm going to tie up this cultist chick and see if I can use Healing to wake her up. I'm not really trying to mend anything, just seeing if I can get her conscious and wring some knowledge out of her.
GM Elle: You can roll for that.
Claire: 15, which exactly matches my skill.
GM Elle: With some gentle patting of her cheek, you bring her around. She immediately struggles with her bonds ... and gets a Strength check of 2! It looks like you didn't tie her as well as you might have, because she's getting loose already.
Claire: I guess I'll try to smack her in the head before she can get up. My Brawling sucks, but -- whoa, I get a 2 too. Oh. But it's only one point of damage.
GM Elle: The cultist yells, "Glory to Sathmog!" and leaps back up, hands now free. I guess it's time for initiative cards again.
MSG: Next time maybe somebody should sit on her too.
Claire: 9 for Filvius.
Akane: Zedeja draws the 4.
GM Elle: 7 for the cultist, 8 for Glinssa. Akane?
Akane: This patting of a cheek might overcome the feebleness of Glinssa's blows, but there's no way a pat could fix the damage of falling from 4 meters. Therefore, since 2 points of fist damage knocked her unconscious before, she needs only 1 point to slumber again. Zedeja will expand a WP on Flick to magically do this point of damage without even rolling.
GM Elle: She's unconscious again.
Claire: Well, can I still get my action for the round?
GM Elle: Sure.
Claire: I'm going to Round Rest to recover d6 WP. Only 2, but that's another casting of Heal Wounds if we need it.
GM Elle: All right. I think we can safely consider the combat over at this point. The cultist is going to be out a while longer. Before she wakes up, you hear noise from within the mouth of the cave and see an approaching light. It's the 3 other members of your party, accompanied by a young woman with filthy, dirt-streaked hair and a look of exhausted relief on her face.
MSG: Dolora says it turns out there was a second basilisk in addition to the one we found cut to pieces.
Claire: Does she believe that, or does she need to make Bluffing check?
GM Elle: I think we can handle that straight role-play style without rolls. If you get to roll every time someone makes an off-handedly non-true statement, everyone's going to end up with advancement marks for Bluffing all the time.
MSG: If pressed, Dolora will admit that she might have made a mistake when examining those remains near the cave entrance. That's especially true if Gunhill convincingly demonstrated that they were farm animal body parts on our way out.
GM Elle: Dolora's lack of ability to tell a sheep-haunch from a basilisk leg probably isn't the top thing on Gunhill's mind at the moment.
Sasha: Sir Quackenscrump hauls out the basilisk head and gives everyone the gory details of how we fought it and how he cut its head off, ka-whack!
Akane: Zedeja says, "Don't be such a hog for attention, duck! You let our halfling come back injured, so it's not a complete success."
Hettie: Dilfriida is surprised that the old bag would consider her injury to be any indicator of success or failure.
Akane: Not her injury -- Zedeja objects to letting her come back. Does the halfling say anything aloud that would make Zedeja realize there is misunderstanding?
Hettie: No. After furrowing her brow for a minute, she chalks it up to Zedeja wanting to minimize our knight's accomplishment any way she can.
Akane: This is called "win-win" from the viewpoint of an overbearing mage. Next, she tells the story of defeating cultists through Levitation, some weakling punches, and a very precise Flick.
Hettie: Dilfriida says from all the blood on your robes, it looks like you weren't completely successful either.
Akane: Incorrect. Injury was acceptable because we had magely healing power with us. Carelessly receiving wounds with no healer around -- it's insensible.
Hettie: "Well, we're back at the healer now," Dilfriida says. Then she tells Filvius she could use some of that wound healing magic.
Claire: I succeed with a 9, healing you for ... 9 points.
Hettie: Ahh. Much better.
MSG: Do you tell us the part about the cultist breaking loose after you tied her up?
Akane: It's part of the evidence for superior performance by Zedeja, so yes.
MSG: Then I ask what the heck you tied her up with that she got loose so easily. The cord from the tent?
Claire: Well, I ... hmm. Actually, the only thing I see on my sheet or in the cart inventory are these bandages I'm carrying. Looks like you guys had all the rope with you.
MSG: Dolora shows off her bond-tying knowledge by saying, "You can't tie somebody up with bandages. You need rope, like this." Then I get out my rope and tie the unconscious chick up -- hands and feet both so she'd have to make two different strength checks before she'd be loose.
Claire: Filvius says that if you'd shared the knowledge that you had all the rope, it wouldn't have been a problem.
GM Elle: With all the talking and jostling of her while you're tying her up with the rope, the cultist starts moaning and maybe coming around.
Sasha: I'll get out my sword and point it at her nice and close to make sure she knows better than to try anything.
GM Elle: She opens her eyes blearily and seems to have trouble focusing on your sword. She also seems to be in a lot of pain.
Akane: Deserved!
Sasha: Quackers will tell her we're going to need some answers if she wants to get out of here alive.
GM Elle: She says she will never betray Sathmog, and she knows that if she dies, her soul will become an ember in the flames her master will use to burn the world.
MSG: Dolora will say she should tell us more about Sathmog and what his cult believes. Maybe it will convince us to join.
Claire: Filvius adds, "Also, we're really very curious."
GM Elle: She starts going on about Sathmog being eternal and undying and destined to erase all the misery and ugliness in the world with fire. Then there will be only Sathmog and his endless flames throughout the universe.
MSG: I'm going to ask Glinssa if that's what the cultists really believe.
GM Elle: She looks uncomfortable talking in front of your prisoner, but she says it basically is ... although Leanara made it sound a little more righteous and aimed at destroying the wickedness of the dragons and their knights. The cultist gasps and calls Glinssa a blasphemous traitor. "Sathmog will cleanse you from the world with all the rest for this treachery!"
MSG: I'll say I'm not really sure I hear a big difference between getting cleansed from the world with fire and turning into fire after you're dead. "Is one of those really better than the other?"
GM Elle: She says your mind is obviously too small to comprehend. Glinssa says Leanara and and Quasimund said things like that all the time when anyone in the cult started asking too many questions. They'd say, "You need to repeat these chants until Sathmog's heat expands your understanding."
Sasha: Sounds like loads of fun. Quackers says, "Look ... you got anything to tell us that will make us want to let you live? Like what you're doing here?"
Akane: Zedeja points out the cultist's question: are we part of the group sent by Koth? It's easy to conclude that more cultists are nearby.
Hettie: Dilfriida says according to Gunhill, there's a bunch of them in the cave.
GM Elle: Gunhill nods, then says that actually she doesn't know how many -- whether it's a lot or just a few.
Claire: I'm going to tell the cultist that if she'll talk, I'll cast a healing spell on her so she feels a little better. 
GM Elle: She narrows her eyes as if calculating, still gritting her teeth against the pain of getting dropped from a height of 4 meters onto hard rock.
Ariel: Woohoo, hard rock!   \m/
Sasha: I thought you were asleep.
Ariel: My character is, but I can still do the metal sign. It's not like Fidu would even if he was awake.
Sasha: True.
GM Elle: She seems to conclude that getting healed is a good deal, and she tells you that the group sent by Koth was looking for something precious to Sathmog. She adds that she doesn't know what, she was just sent with her partner to see what was taking the other group so long. You don't quite believe her when she says she doesn't know what it is.
MSG: Dolora will show off her knowledge by saying that obviously it's one of the pieces of the dragon emperor statue, since Annabelle was so keen to get us to find those for her.
GM Elle: Her eyes widen a little, briefly, and then she attempts to conceal her surprise. She says she's not saying anything more until she's healed.
Claire: Probably there's not much more we can get from her that will be useful. I'll go ahead and try Treat Wound on her. It's the same WP cost as Heal Wound, but does less healing, and I don't want to heal her any more than I have to. 12 is a success on casting ... damn it, the 6-siders come up with a 6 and a 4.
GM Elle: That brings her almost back to full and makes her blink in surprise.
Claire: I'll tell her, "See? Sometimes it pays to do right by people who are on the right side of things."
GM Elle: A haughty look comes into her eyes like she's scoffing at your idea, but she doesn't say anything.
MSG: I'll tell Glinssa I'm glad she wasn't as far gone as this fanatic is and that she was able to see reason.
GM Elle: She looks a little awkward, and gives the cultist a nervous glance, but also seems appreciative of the praise.
Sasha: Well, the way I see it, we can camp out here, we can head back into the cave and try to clear out these cultists, or we can go back to Hildi's farm to rest up.
Akane: Zedeja still has scaredness from turning sheet-white. The basilisk is dead, she says. Going back to the farm is safest.
Hettie: Dilfriida doesn't say anything because she's Scared too, but doesn't want to agree with Zedeja.
MSG: Well, Quackers and I ditched our Scared condition by resting up in the basilisk's lair, which is probably safer from wandering cultists than setting up our tent right here by the exit.
Claire: Filvius says, "Do you not remember that the whole reason the three of us came out here was because we couldn't get past the snake pit without halfway dying? How does it make sense to go back in and try it again?"
Sasha: All right, well, all the scaredy cats can go to sleep while Dolora, me, and Glinssa keep watch for any cultists coming out of the cave. I'm down some WP, but I really only use the points against monsters, so I can probably manage a few cultists.
Akane: But there may be many cultists.
Sasha: I'll count 'em as I kill 'em.
Hettie: Hard to argue with that.
GM Elle: Does everyone else bed down for a shift rest, then?
Claire: Sounds good to me.
Ariel: Already half done! At least it sure seems like all this talking has taken half a shift.
Akane: All right ... although Zedeja has nerves about it.
Hettie: Dilfriida's nervous too, but she also thinks it would be nerve-wracking to drag ourselves all the way down the mountain in the dark to get to the farm. So she's good with that plan.
GM Elle: Great. Then I'll just roll on the event table and you don't want me to get another 6. That's the cultist one.
MSG: Watch, it's going to be another 6.
GM Elle: Nope, a 3. Everyone who sleeps gets back all HP and WP and heals all conditions. It's now the middle of the night, though, and Quackers and Dolora are entering Sleep Deprivation territory because it's been more than three shifts since they rested. At this point you can't heal WP or conditions, and when the full shift passes, you'll lose another d6 WP.
MSG: Well, if nobody's scared anymore and there's been no sign of cultists coming out, maybe the two of us should get some rest while everybody else stands watch.
Ariel: Everybody but Fidu, you mean. He's definitely sleeping the whole night unless it's an emergency.
Sasha: If it was more monsters we were going to clear out of the cave, Quackenscrump wouldn't sit still for more resting. But since it's just cultists, he's fine with it.
GM Elle: Rolling for shift number two, then. Another 3. Dawn filters hazily down through the mists of the vale, bringing a diffuse light to the face of Mount Oculus. When Gunhill wakes up, she says she'd just as soon head back to the farm and leave dealing with the cult to you adventuring types.
MSG: I'll tell her she managed herself bravely in the cave, and we'll stop by and let them know how things went once we mop up in there.
GM Elle: The cultist says sneeringly that with the blessing of Sathmog, her comrades will be the ones doing the mopping, and they might be the ones stopping by the farm on the way back too. She's giving Gunhill a threatening look as she says so.
Akane: Akane strikes this threatener with her staff. Hmm 14 is a miss.
GM Elle: I'll give you a Boon because she's tied up and not expecting it.
MSG: Neither were the rest of us.
Akane: Second roll: worse. A 15.
GM Elle: The cultist laughs at you. She says now she knows Sathmog is working your doom.
MSG: I'll tell her --
Akane: Zedeja strikes again.
GM Elle: No Boon this time because she's definitely aware of your attack.
Akane: Now the roll is 2.
GM Elle: She tries to dodge but rolls an 11.
Akane: My staff deals 5 points of damage. "Silence!"
GM Elle: That's almost half her hit points, so she cries out in pain. Gunhill turns away a little uneasily and moves down along the pass, glancing back as she goes. Anyone else doing anything?
MSG: I'm interested in seeing how far Zedeja will take this, so I don't interfere.
Claire: I advise the cultist not to keep aggravating Zedeja.
Ariel: I'm still lying in my sleeping pelt, wondering what these whacking sounds are that are disturbing my rest.
Sasha: Quackers is waving to Gunhill if she keeps glancing back.
GM Elle: She doesn't. The cultist looks sullenly at you but holds her tongue. Glinssa is also watching all this a bit anxiously.
Akane: Good. She should know there is a penalty for culting. To the cultist, I say, "Your master now in place of Sathmog ... Zedeja of Mind!"
GM Elle: With her eyes full of rage, she spits out, "Never!"
Akane: I staff her again. The roll once more, 2.
GM Elle: This time she dodges with a 5.
MSG: Okay, I tell Zedeja maybe that's enough.
Akane: "Why tell this to me?" she says. "Explain to this prisoner who continues making faulty choices."
MSG: Dolora tells the cultist she really doesn't want to see anyone's brains knocked in before breakfast. I'm trying to Persuade her to keep her trap shut. Roll or no roll?
GM Elle: Go ahead.
MSG: Despite being a bard, my Persuasion is only 7, so ... ah, made it with a 4.
GM Elle: She keeps her mouth shut for now and makes sure she watches Zedeja to see if she needs to duck again.
MSG: Good.
Claire: That does raise the matter of breakfast, though I guess we should mark off another round of rations.
Ariel: Fidu will get up for breakfast as long as he's being kept awake by people talking and getting smacked.
Akane: No breakfast for a prisoner cultist, though. Only for an ex-cultist donkey minder -- if she is behaving!
Hettie: It occurs to Dilfriida that the two cultists have been traveling a while to get here and must have some goods on them for the trip. I'm going to check them out.
GM Elle: The dead guy -- who is still lying there not far from camp -- has a backpack with 5 torches, a flint and tinder, and 6 rations.
Hettie: I'll confiscate all that and put it in the wagon.
GM Elle: So. If everyone is up and has eaten, what's next?
Sasha: Let's go spelunkin' for some cult clunkin'.
Akane: Zedeja agrees ... in fact, commands.
GM Elle: Okay, here's the map of the parts of Dead Eyes Cave you've explored so far.

Those two tunnels leading off to the left are the only parts you haven't been to.
MSG: I guess we'll head in there, then.
Akane: Wait! Cultists are in the cave, we think. But have they detected us?
Sasha: Sir Q pats his sword and says, "They'll be detecting something real soon if they haven't already."
Akane: Suppose something, though: we have three cult robes.

Hettie: Isn't it two?
Akane: Glinssa retained her uniform of zealotry. If three cultists enter a cave and say they are sent by Koth, possibly cultists within the cave will provide information we do not have.
Claire: Ooh, I like that! Filvius immediately volunteers to be on the information-getting team.
Sasha: Well, I'm not taking my armor off, and I doubt they'll be expecting any cult members in full plate.
Akane: Zedeja also will dress in robes. Seems like a hound who sniffs lies would be a good addition.
Ariel: Aw, man. I was looking forward to hanging back and chilling a little more while we waited for whoever's in the robes to go in and come back.
Akane: Remember, there is also treasure to be hunted. Reread that adventure card.
Ariel: Ooh I remember now. Okay, Fidu is in.
Sasha: What do the rest of us do then, Zedeja?
Akane: Follow not too close. Wait for a signal -- or fighting sounds! Now, when dressed and near the first tunnel, Zedeja casts Stone Skin of level 1 and Power Fist of level 2. Both succeed!
Hettie: How long do those last?
Akane: One stretch.
Hettie: Boy, really not planning on talking to the cultists very long, are you?
Akane: Zedeja plans to talk, but prepares to fight. You would understand if you were not just a halfling.
Hettie: Grr.
GM Elle: What are you doing with the prisoner?
MSG: That's a pickle, actually. I'd rather not leave her with Glinssa, where she might undermine the progress away from the cult Glinssa has made. But I also don't think it's a great idea to bring her along where she might yell and warn the cultists.
Claire: I suggest we keep her tied up, with a gag, and Dolora can always use that big club on her if she misbehaves.
Ariel: I feel like you're trying to get me to say, "That's what she said." Only, because the cultist is a girl, I think it would just be confusing and not funny.
Sasha: Hey, don't hold back. You never know unless you try.
Ariel: Now I feel like you're trying to get me to say it.
MSG: I don't think anyone's encouraging you to use that bit ... it's getting pretty limp.
Ariel: Stop it!
Akane: Zedeja ties the gag and dresses in robes. Now, into the cave.
GM Elle: Light source?
Claire: Guess I'll carry a torch, since that's what we saw the cultists using last night.
Ariel: You other guys can borrow my lamp.
Sasha: Thanks. I guess Dilfriida's holding it again.
MSG: Who's got hold of the cultist, then?
Hettie: One of you big strong types, I'm guessing.
MSG: I'm a dwarf, so I'm not really that big even if I'm strong.
Hettie: Everyone's big when you're a halfling.
MSG: Good point. Anyway, I guess I can hold onto one end of the rope and just drop it if I need to fight.
Claire: Or you could just hog-tie her there in room number 2, and if you have to come running because you hear us get in trouble, leave her behind.
MSG: I like that plan better. I'll do that.
Akane: Zedeja suggests this plan would not be needed except for the dwarf's interruption of her staffing.
Hettie: Dilfriida suggests the three information seekers get going or the durations going to run out on your spell ... along with my patience.
Claire: We'll get moving, then.
GM Elle: You proceed along through the twisting natural passageway for a brief way and then notice a light source up ahead. You also think you hear voices.
Claire: I'll sneak ahead a little and take a look. My Sneaking roll is 4. 
GM Elle: You also get a Boon because it turns out the people in the next chamber are wearing blindfolds.
Sasha: Haha, losers.
Claire: It would be nice if my second roll was a Dragon, but it's a 16, so no change to the outcome.
GM Elle: As you reach a corner where the passage opens up into a larger chamber, you see a campfire flickering a short distance away. Huddled around it are 6 figures wearing black robes and blindfolds. Obviously more cultists. Along the side of the chamber beyond them, you see skulls and bones scattered all over the floor. A cage with a couple of chickens in it sits near the fire.
Claire: You said I heard voices -- what are they saying?
GM Elle: Roll Awareness to see if you can make it out. They're speaking in hushed tones, but they seem to be arguing, and it's only once in a while a word reaches normal volume.
Claire: 2 again. So many 2's tonight and no Dragons.
GM Elle: It sounds like they're debating whether to give up on their search or keep at it. A couple of them are saying they've looked everywhere, so it must not be here. Another dude who seems to be in charge says if they have to look again, they'll look again. "Azrahel Koth will not accept failure!"
Claire: Are the two guys who are wanting to give up sitting next to each other?
GM Elle: Yes, why?
Claire: Because my Lightning Flash spell only requires a gesture, so if I'm within 30 meters of them, as soon as the one guy says that about Azrahel Koth, I'm going to Lightning Flash those other two, and none of them will know I'm here casting spells at them. Damn it, 19. I'll push the roll and become Exhausted. 10 makes it. The first guy takes 8 points of damage and the second one takes 4.
GM Elle: Lightning bursts down from the ceiling and electrifies the two guys. You see smoke coming off the one who took 4 and smell a cooked smell coming from the other guy. They both scream in surprise and agony.
MSG: Holy crap, that's genius.
Claire: Thanks. Mostly Filvius wanted to find out if it would work. I'm going to duck back out of sight around the corner in case someone lifts their blindfold to peek.
GM Elle: That's another Sneaking roll, still with a Boon.
Claire: 11 and -- woohoo, Dragon!
GM Elle: Not only to they not detect you, it doesn't even occur to them that someone might be there. You hear muttering about the vengeance of Sathmog and some of the cultists who hadn't spoken before declaring that they were definitely in favor of continuing their search. The leader isn't quite sure what happened, but everyone saw the flash of light through their blindfolds, and they seem to be convinced it was a sign from their demon lord. The leader stands and tells everyone to come on and they'll try the passage to the north again. "We haven't found the lair of that creature yet -- maybe the piece of the statue awaits us there."
Claire: Hmm, so they are after one of those statue pieces.
Sasha: Can I assume the rest of us heard that thunder crack from down the passageway?
GM Elle: Yes, there's no mistaking that, even with a Bane on Awareness for your helmet. Claire, the leader orders two of the cultists to get the chickens and lead the way to the northern passage.
MSG: I don't think there's any way around us assuming that something's gone wrong. 
Sasha: Hey, I don't hear any cries for help, do you?
Hettie: Dilfriida's going to sneak partway up the passage and see if she can tell what's going on. But not on a 17, I won't. I'll become Scared someone might hear me and push the roll. Much better, a Dragon.
GM Elle: You sneak so quietly that absolutely no one hears you, and on top of that, you shield the lamp with your body so almost no light precedes you. Ahead you can make out your companions near an opening into a larger chamber. They don't look particularly fearful of danger.
Hettie: Then I'll go back before Zedeja notices me and complains. Once I'm back I'll say, "False alarm, guys. Whatever's going on, Team Cult Disguises seems okay."
Claire: As soon as it looks like the cultists are about to clear the room, I'll sneak back to where the others can see me and gesture them forward. Do I need to make a roll?
GM Elle: Sure, but the Boon still applies.
Claire: 5 and 3.
Sasha: If I see the elf calling us forward, I'll go.
MSG: Me too, with the hog-tied cultists over one shoulder. I'm guessing I need to make a strength check for that. The die comes up 5.
GM Elle: You haul her along like she's a rag doll. The other cultists have gone out through an exit in the northeast part of the room, leaving their fire and the empty chamber with its scattered bones.
MSG: Should we search the bones?
Claire: I dunno, the guy sounded like they'd searched everything in this area.
Ariel: Yeah, but they're blindfolded. How good a job could they do?
GM Elle: Anyone who wants to search can make a Spot Hidden roll.
MSG: 17. Not even close.
Claire: 5!
Ariel: Can I use my Treasure Hunter ability to get a Boon? Or I guess maybe if there's nothing here it'll point me to the next closest treasure?
GM Elle: The closest treasure is definitely in the pile of bones. You can roll with a Boon.
Ariel: A 5 and a 10.
Sasha: I'm keeping an eye up that northeast passage in case they come back.
Akane: Zedeja also.
Hettie: Dilfriida searches and also gets a 5.
GM Elle: That's a 3 way tie for the best roll. I'll say whoever has the best Spot Hidden rating finds something.
Claire: 7.
Ariel: 13.
Hettie: Mine is 11.
Ariel: Woohoo! What do I find?
GM Elle: Under a heap of bones, you find a sheathed sword. It's covered in dust and bone shards, but the hilt looks extraordinarily well made. When you pull it out and examine it, you find that it's a mastercrafted broadsword.
MSG: Anybody use a broadsword?
Ariel: More important to Fidu is, how much is a mastercrafted broadsword worth?
Sasha: Like, 10 times as much as a regular one.
Hettie: According to the book, that would be 120 gold pieces.
MSG: Well that may make this trip worth the effort all by itself.
GM Elle: Zedeja and Sir Q can make an Awareness check.
Sasha: 4 and an 18. I don't see squat in this helmet.
Akane: For Zedeja, a 9. This succeeds.
GM Elle: You think you hear a cry of alarm and then some screams from that passage entrance you're guarding.
MSG: Sounds like they found the snake pit.
Sasha: Or there's another monster -- I'd better check it out. Somebody bring a light!
Akane: Zedeja calls the junior mage over with her torch.
Claire: Are you calling Filvius "junior mage" out loud?
Akane: No, probably "underling" or "you, with torch."
Claire: Well, whatever. I guess since I didn't find the sword, I'll go. Not first though. I want our duck tank in front of me if we're chasing cultists.
Sasha: Or monsters.
GM Elle: As you move down the twisting, narrow passageway, you hear feet padding toward you from ahead. Let's draw initiative. 
MSG: I haven't headed that direction yet, but I get the 3.
Claire: 7.
Ariel: 5 for Fidu.
Sasha: 10 for Quackers. Dammit.
Akane: Zedeja, 2.
Hettie: Dilfriida goes on 6.
GM Elle: Cultists on 8. Zedeja, you're up first.
Akane: I tell the duck to go first and trade my card for the 10.
Sasha: Yes! Is there enough light for me to see cultists coming ahead? Heck, who cares. I'm moving up to the edge of the light and attacking anybody or anything there.
GM Elle: You see the barest outline of a figure coming toward you in the dim light, seemingly hurried and frightened. You'll get a Bane if you press forward to attack.
Sasha: CHOP! That's a 13 and an 9. 16 points of damage.
GM Elle: They have to make an Awareness check to even know to dodge. Ah, makes it with a 3. And Dragons the dodge. With that Dragon, I'll let him take an action on their turn.
Sasha: Double fudge nuts.
MSG: I guess I'll trade my 3 to Filvius so he can move up and give Sir Q some light.
Claire: Sure, I'll step up. What do I see past Quackers?
GM Elle: Two cultists. One is the guy you aimed your Lightning flash at.
Claire: I'll aim another one at him. Or at whichever one is farther from Sir Q.
GM Elle: That's him.
Claire: I cast the spell with a 5, and max out my damage with 12 on the 2d6. The other guy takes 7.
GM Elle: That first guy is a cinder. The other one is the Dragon dodger, so he'll use up that action I gave him trying to dodge again. Succeeds with a 6.
Claire: Foo.
Ariel: Can I see that guy to shoot my bow at him?
GM Elle: There are people in the way, so you'll get a Bane.
Ariel: Well, my odds aren't good, but I'll try anyhow. Ooh, 7 ... and eww, Demon.
GM Elle: You accidentally hit ... oh. Quackers. Probably won't do much, but roll your damage.
Ariel: Yeek, 12 points.
Sasha: Don't sweat it. My armor and helmet take 8.
Hettie: Dilfriida's not going to risk shooting through all those allies. I'll just hang out.
MSG: I'm next? I guess I'll blow my horn to give all enemies a Bane on all rolls until my next action. Wait. The only guy in sight already dodged. I'll make that a Boon to all my allies instead.
Claire: Nice.
GM Elle: It's the cultist's turn, and he turns and hurries back the way he came, yelling for help. That takes him beyond the reach of Filvius's torch. Oh, and you continue to hear screams from up ahead, but it sounds like only one voice instead of a couple.
Akane: Hm. In this case, Zedeja moves up behind Filvius and our knight. Have my spells expired? If so, I will re-cast Stone Skin this time with 2 power levels.
GM Elle: Yes, they wore off while you were searching the bones.
Akane: Success, a 4 and 11.
GM Elle: New initiative.
MSG: 4.
Claire: 9.
Ariel: 1!
Sasha: 3.
Akane: This time, 5.
Hettie: Dead last. Well, hopefully not the "dead" part.
GM Elle: Cultists will go on 2.
Ariel: Well, I can't see anything, so I guess I'll trade my card to ... dang, if I trade it to Quackers, he won't be able to move up and fight because the bad guys are outside of the light. But if I trade it to Filvius and he moves the light up, he'll be up front during the bad guys' turn.
Sasha: You got this, Aers.
Ariel: Oh! I trade with the cultists! Then if they want to fight, they have to be the ones who move up this round!
Sasha: See? I told you.
GM Elle: You hear what sounds like 3 or 4 sets of feet hurrying away.
MSG: Those cowards.
Ariel: Now I still don't know what to do with my turn. Can I swap again?
GM Elle: You can't swap with anyone who already had their turn or who swapped their turn, but it doesn't say you can't keep swapping your own turn.
Ariel: Great! Since they're running away, I'm going to swap with Filvius so he can move up and give us some light.
Claire: A little less than enthusiastically, Filvius moves ahead of Sir Q.
GM Elle: The tunnel widens and reveals the chamber with the snake pit in it. The screams are coming from down there, although there's only one voice now and it sounds very weak.
MSG: What'd I tell you?
GM Elle: To the south, you hear and see three fleeing figures. They're in the entrance chamber to the cave, so their figures are silhouetted to you.
Claire: I keep moving after them and out of the way so others can get by me and still have my torchlight to see by.
Sasha: Quackers will chase after these cult punks. If I can't reach them with a normal move, I'll dash to catch up. I don't want them getting to our wagon and Glinssa out of my sight.
Akane: Also, and especially, donkeys!
GM Elle: You catch up to them just shy of the exit into daylight.
MSG: I'll trade my card for Dilfriida's.
Hettie: Can I hear the noise of everyone running from the other entrance to this campfire room?
GM Elle: Roll Awareness with a Bane because of all the cavernous echoes.
MSG: My Boon knocks out the Bane, though.
Hettie: Okay, straight roll, then. 14 fails. I guess I'll follow the direction everyone else went, carrying the lamp.
GM Elle: You end up a bit behind Filvius if you Dash.
Hettie: Sure.
Akane: Can Zedeja approach to 6 meters from the cultists with her normal movement?
GM Elle: Yes.
Akane: I will Levitate them so that our knight is between them and the exit. Bane because they are unwilling but Boon from a bard, and the result -- Dragon! How is a Dragon of magery resolved?
GM Elle: You can double the range or damage, you can cast it without spending WP, or you can immediately cast another spell, but with a Bane.
Akane: Easy, no WP.
Ariel: Okay, so now it's finally my actual turn! I'm going to move up and shoot my bow. I can do that, right? I've got a boat-ton of movement: 16 meters.
GM Elle: You can absolutely get in a shot.
MSG: With a boon, remember.
Ariel: 10 and a 13, so I hit. And they already moved, right, so they can't dodge. Not as much damage as when I hit Quackers, though. Only 9.
GM Elle: On cultist 1, 2, or 3?
Ariel: Um ... is one of them the part-charred guy? That I can see or smell, I mean?
GM Elle: Yes.
Ariel: I get him, then.
GM Elle: Dead. MSG?
MSG: Dolora will move up into combat range, which I'm guessing will take a Dash.
GM Elle: Yes. New initiative.
MSG: 5.
Claire: 3 this time.
Ariel: 8, bleh.
Sasha: 4 for Quackers. We're doing okay so far.
Akane: This is called a jinx, yes? I draw the 10.
Hettie: Yes, and 9 for me. Thanks, Sasha dear.
GM Elle: Cultists go on 1. They want out, and Sir Q is the one in the way. First one slashes with a scimitar ... 11 hits. Do you dodge?
Sasha: Scimitar is 2d6? I don't bother.
GM Elle: 7 points.
Sasha: Ptink!
GM Elle: Next one rolls an 11 for 5 points, last one -- wait, I mis-counted when I said there were three of them -- the last one was the bug-zapped guy Fidu shot last round. You're in the clear, Quackers.
Sasha: Yeah, plate armor, baby!
Claire: I'm next? Since Dilfriida's here with the lamp, I'll drop my torch and move up to smack somebody with my staff. 12 is an easy hit. 6 points.
Sasha: Time for some cutting! I hit with an 8 and do 16 points to the guy Filv didn't hit.
GM Elle: Basically cut him right in two.
MSG: I'll greatclub the last guy, then. I also hit on an 8, for 11 points.
GM Elle: Pulverized. That's the last of them.
Ariel: Unless there's still one screaming in the snake pit.
GM Elle: Not that you can hear.
MSG: Let's gather up these scimitars, then.
Claire: Are we going to retrieve that hog-tied cultist from the campfire room?
Ariel: Not me. That sounds like too much work.
Sasha: Quackers is kind of with you on that. I mean, it's not that far to the room, but what are we going to do? Haul her all the way back to Outskirt for some kind of trial or something? I get the impression Vagnhild would just as soon stick to her innkeeping duties and not be bothered with all the mayoring and judging and stuff the town seems to rely on her for.
Hettie: Well, we're not just going to leave her to starve, are we? That seems unnecessarily cruel.
MSG: You can look at it that way, or you can look at it as us giving her a chance to get herself free of the ropes and crawl back to Azrahel Koth to report how bad their guys boffed things.
Akane: An escapee cultist might return to the farm and do some criming there. Zedeja favors rolling her into the pit so snakes can decide things.
MSG: Actually ... why don't we ask Glinssa what she thinks we ought to do with the chick? It might give us a read on how she's feeling about the cult these days.
Claire: I like that. And if she says to leave her, it's solving a problem without violence, which is an advancement mark.
Ariel: I don't know if leaving someone tied up where they might starve to death is exactly not violent.
Sasha: She probably won't starve to death. More likely die of thirst first.
Akane: Testing the continued cultishness of our donkey-minder receives Zedeja's approval.
GM Elle: In that case, if you go out and let Glinssa know what has happened and give her that choice, she looks a little uncertain at first. Then her face hardens somewhat and she says, "Just leave her. She had a lot of chances to show some change of heart, and she just kept on and on with that Sathmog crap. She gets what she deserves."
Ariel: I spend my WP on Insight! Does she really believe that?
GM Elle: Your intuition tells you she does.
Ariel: I give everybody the nod about that, then.
Sasha: Sounds to me like it's time for us to head down the pass and get ourselves a nice farm-cooked meal to start our journey back.

more of this session next time, folks!

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